Can a waitress wear fake nails?

Can a waitress wear fake nails?

Anyone handling food must keep their fingernails short and clean as long nails collect bits of food and bacteria. You and your staff must not wear nail varnish. False nails of any sort are not allowed.

Can restaurant employees wear fake nails?

Like jewelry, acrylic nails or fingernail polish could contaminate the food. The best practice is to avoid wearing false nails or fingernail polish. Saliva can contain thousands of pathogens or germs. Avoid eating, drinking, and chewing gum or tobacco while in the kitchen or serving area.

Can you have acrylic nails in hospitality?

No it is not okay because they may go through the gloves on the production line of a burger contaminating the food. As when performing cleaning tasks you do not wear gloves and chipped nails can still fall around food-making areas.

Can waitresses hair down?

Like at any restaurant, has to be a certain length if you want to wear it down. If it went past that length then it had to be tied up. Hair can’t touch the shoulder. Hair must be worn pulled up, or cut above the shoulder.

Can you work fast food with acrylic nails?

According to the 2017 FDA Food Code, the food employee may wear artificial nails or fingernail polish ONLY IF they also wear gloves that are clean and in good condition. Although, it is a best practice to forgo the nails and polish or check your company policy. My acrylic nails never break.

Should waitresses tie their hair back?

All staff must wear clean and appropriate clothes when handling food. It is good practice for staff to have clean hair and to keep it tied back and / or wear a suitable head covering, e.g. hat or hairnet, especially when handling unwrapped food.

Do hosts have to have their hair up?

3 answers. No hostess did not have to wear their hair up. No, the dress code is quite lax if you are a server, host, or bartender, cooks and cleanup have different expectations.