Do commas go after quotation marks for titles?

Do commas go after quotation marks for titles?

In all cases of usage involving quotation marks (again, American usage, not British), commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks while semicolons and colons always go outside. Here is an example using a list of titles: Notice that the commas separating the titles are inside the quotation marks.

Where do you put a comma when quoting a title?

The comma would be placed inside the quotation marks.

Is there a comma after a title?

When a name or a title appears at the end of a sentence, the name or title can follow either a comma or no comma. Again, both constructions are grammatically correct, but they have different meanings. So although the sentence is grammatically acceptable, its meaning is not historically accurate.

What is a section title?

Section titles give an overview of topics addressed in a document or other resource. They guide users’ attention and help them remember important ideas and information. Clear and informative section titles help users understand the document or other resource.

When to use single quotation marks?

Single quotation marks may be used to enclose or rather indicate a quote within a quote, for example: “When I say you should be ‘cautious’ when walking along the street at night, I mean you should be extremely careful. Single quotation marks can also be used in headlines, let’s say of news.

When to punctuate titles in italics or quotes?

Italics must be used to punctuate titles of books, plays, films, sculptures, statues, paintings and other works of art . Names of magazines, newspapers, and websites should also appear in italics, but the titles of articles published within would appear in quotation marks.

Are play titles in quotes?

A play that consists of only one act is considered a short play, while a play that has more than one act is considered a long play. Place the titles of one-act plays in quotation marks . MLA calls for titles of short works, such as articles and short poems, to be put in quotation marks .

Are chapter titles in quotes?

Titles of book chapters are always enclosed in quotation marks. This is true for any work that is part of a larger work, and chapters are part of the larger work of a book. The chapter title is put in quotation marks, while the title of the book is italicized.