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Does urine leave a smell?
Normal urine is clear and has a straw-yellow color. While the odor of urine can vary somewhat, in most cases, it does not have a strong smell. With dehydration, the urine is more concentrated and may have a stronger ammonia scent than normal.
What does urine smell like normally?
Urine does not usually have a strong odor to it. However, occasionally, it will have a pungent smell of ammonia. One explanation for an ammonia odor is high amounts of waste in the urine. But certain foods, dehydration, and infections are also possible.
Does urine naturally have a smell?
Urine naturally has an odor that is unique to everyone. You may notice that your urine occasionally has a stronger smell than it normally does. This isn’t always a cause for concern. But sometimes strong or unusual smelling urine is a sign of an underlying medical problem.
What does diabetic urine smell like?
If you have diabetes, you may notice your pee smells sweet or fruity. This is because the body is trying to get rid of the excess blood sugar and is disposing of glucose through your urine.
Why do I smell when I open my legs?
When sweat mixes with the natural bacteria on your skin, it causes body odor. Sweat comes from the areas of your body with the most sweat glands such as under your arms, the palms of your hands, the bottom of your feet, and between your legs.
Should I go to the doctor if my urine smells?
Most changes in urine odor are temporary and don’t mean you have a serious illness, particularly if you have no other symptoms. When an unusual urine odor is caused by an underlying medical condition, other symptoms are also present. If you’re concerned about the odor of your urine, talk to your doctor.
How do I get rid of cloudy smelling urine?
Your urine can turn cloudy when you don’t drink enough. A lack of fluid makes urine more concentrated. It will also turn a darker color. You can solve this problem by drinking more water every day.
Can other people smell my period?
Generally, period blood smells are not noticeable to other people. A person should aim to bathe daily to improve unwanted odors. Additionally, during menstruation, they should change a pad every time they go to the restroom and change a tampon every few hours.
What is a woman’s natural scent called?
It’s called androstadienone (AN-dro-STAY-dee-eh-noan). Other scientists have shown that when women smell this compound, their hearts beat faster and their mood improves. In much the same way, a chemical in women’s urine — estratetraenol (ES-trah-TEH-trah-noll) — lifts a man’s mood.
Why does my pee smell fishy?
Fishy odor from your urine can be caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI). The bacteria from the infection can contaminate the urine and cause a distinct fishy smell. Other symptoms may include urine that is cloudy, burning sensation when urinating, or other mild pain when you pee.
Can urine be cloudy without infection?
Cloudy urine can be harmless, but it may also be a sign of a medical condition or serious underlying cause. Some conditions associated with cloudy urine include urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate problems, and sexually transmitted infections.
Does cloudy pee always mean UTI?
If your urine is cloudy, it may mean something is amiss with your urinary tract. While cloudy urine doesn’t typically indicate a medical emergency, it can be a sign of a serious medical problem. Cloudy urine can be caused by: dehydration.