How can I improve my iodine clock experiment?

How can I improve my iodine clock experiment?

concentration), or increasing the concentration of iodide or hydrogen peroxide will shorten the time. Adding more thiosulfate will have the opposite effect; it will take longer for the blue colour to appear. Aside from using sodium thiosulfate as a substrate, cysteine can also be used.

What factors affect iodine clock reaction?

13: Iodine Clock Reaction

  • Room Temperature.
  • Cold Temperature.
  • Hot Temperature.
  • Part II: Catalyst.

What does hydrogen peroxide do in iodine clock reaction?

In Reaction # 1 iodide ions react with hydrogen peroxide to produce iodine element which is blue in the presence of starch. BUT, before that can actually happen, the Vitamin C quickly reacts and consumes the elemental iodine.

How does the concentration of hydrogen peroxide affect the rate of the iodine clock reaction?

The rate of a reaction depends on the concentration of the reactants. In Equation 1, for example, increasing the amount of hydrogen peroxide will increase the rate at which it reacts with iodide.

How is iodine removed from the reaction mixture?

The removal of iodine is making by using 5% HYPO – SODIUM THIOSULFATE.

What would happen if you left out the thiosulfate in the iodine clock reaction?

Potassium persulphate is used to oxidize iodide ions to iodine, in the presence of starch and a small amount of thiosulphate ions. When the thiosulphate is exhausted (by reaction with the iodine produced), the dark blue iodine-starch complex is formed.

Why is the iodine clock reaction important?

The “clock reaction” is a reaction famous for its dramatic colorless-to-blue color change, and is often used in chemistry courses to explore the rate at which reactions take place. The ability to record the time at which the blue complex appears allows the rate of reaction to be determined accurately with a stopwatch.

Why is it called iodine clock reaction?

The iodine clock reaction is a favorite demonstration reaction in chemistry classes. The reaction is called a clock reaction because the amount of time that elapses before the solution turns blue depends on the concentrations of the starting chemicals.

How do you neutralize iodine?

Iodine is a diatomic element with the formula, I2. When this solution is added to the water and sodium carbonate, the iodine solution is “neutralized” by the carbonate, which is a base. A chemical reaction takes place in which the iodine gains an electron and changes from I2 element to iodide ions, I- .

How do you flush excess iodine?

Treatment of Iodine Excess People with excess iodine are advised to use salt that is not fortified with iodine and to reduce their consumption of foods that contain iodine, such as seafood, seaweed, yogurt, and milk.

What does Vitamin C do in an iodine clock reaction?

The Vitamin C creates a clock reaction (1 – 2 minutes) and once it is used up, the solution turns blue, because now the iodine element and starch are present. Safety Precautions: Be careful when working with the iodine – it stains.

Why is iodine clock reaction important?