How do you use Mohs hardness scale?

How do you use Mohs hardness scale?

How to Perform the Test

  1. Select a fresh, clean surface on the specimen to be tested.
  2. Hold the specimen firmly and attempt to scratch it with the point of an object of known hardness.
  3. Press the point of the crystal firmly against the surface of the unidentified specimen.

What is the hardness rating of talc?


Mineral Hardness
Fluorite 4 Elmwood mine, Tennessee 2.5 cm. (note phantom)
Calcite 3 Elmwood Mine, Tennessee 8 cm. (twinned)
Gypsum 2 Wyoming 12 cm. Note “fishtail” twin on left
Talc 1 Rope’s Gold Mine, Michigan (green) 4 cm. across talc mass

What mineral is measured on the Mohs scale?

Mohs scale is a scale of 1 to 10 base on the hardness of a mineral. Talc would be a 1 and diamond is a 10. The scale is not linear however, as the differences between numbers is not uniform. For example, Calcite (3) is 3 times harder than Gypsum (2) but Fluorite (4) is only about twice as hard as Calcite.

What mineral is the hardest according to Mohs scale?

Talc is the softest and diamond is the hardest. Each mineral can scratch only those below it on the scale.

What is the number for hardness for talc?

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is based on scratch hardness comparison, ranging from 1 to 10, a value of 10 being the hardest of minerals. The hardness of talc, the softest of minerals, defines the value of 1 on the scale. (Any mineral with a value less than 2 can be scratched by a fingernail .)

What mineral is harder than talc?

The Absolute hardness scale is proportional showing a quantitative difference between the minerals. This indicates that Quartz is actually 100 times harder than Talc and Diamond is actually 1500 times harder than Talc. See table below for a more complete list of Moh’s hardness.

What are the different hardness scales?

Hardness refers to the resistance of a material’s surface to indentation or scratching. Different hardness scales include Rockwell C & B (metals), Brinell (ball indenter, metals), Vickers (diamond shaped indenter), Knoop (diamond shaped micro-indenter), Meyer (rarely used), Shore A & D (rubber & softer plastics) and Mohs (minerals).

Is talc softer than quartz?

The mineral talc in it makes it relatively soft. It is softer than quartz but is much denser. The soapstone particles are densely packed together, making it compact. All in all, it is hard, heavy, and resistant to stain.