How does the pollen grain reach the stigma?

How does the pollen grain reach the stigma?

pollen grains reach to stigma by wind and some are carried by animals like rabbits and insects like butterfly,etc..

How pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of a flower?

For fertilization to occur in angiosperms, pollen has to be transferred to the stigma of a flower: a process known as pollination. Gymnosperm pollination involves the transfer of pollen from a male cone to a female cone.

Where does pollen go when it leaves a stamen?

On the end of the stamen is the anther. This is where pollen is made. The pollen has to be taken to the pistil or the female part of the flower.

What happens when pollen reach the stigma of a flower?

Only after pollination, when pollen has landed on the stigma of a suitable flower of the same species, can a chain of events happen that ends in the making of seeds. A pollen grain on the stigma grows a tiny tube, all the way down the style to the ovary. The ovary develops into a fruit to protect the seed.

How does pollen play a role in reproduction?

The ultimate function of pollen is to deliver male gametes (sperm) from the stamen of a plant to an ovule for fertilization of an egg, which then develops into a seed.

At what part the pollen grains are initially located?

Pollen grains are produced by meiosis of microspore mother cells that are located along the inner edge of the anther sacs (microsporangia). The outer part of the pollen is the exine, which is composed of a complex polysaccharide, sporopollenin.

What will happen if pollen of Rose gets deposited on stigma of lily flower?

If pollen of rose gets deposited on stigmas of lily flower, then germination will not take place because though many pollens land on the stigma of flowers, only the pollens of flowers belonging to the same species germinate to form the pollen tube to reach the ovary.

Does pollen comes out of the pistil?

Stamen: The pollen producing part of a flower, usually with a slender filament supporting the anther. Anther: The part of the stamen where pollen is produced. Pistil: The ovule producing part of a flower. Stigma: The part of the pistil where pollen germinates.

What are the 3 types of pollination?


  • Zoophilous flowers– In this type of pollination, the pollinating agents are animals like human beings, bats, birds etc.
  • Anemophilous flowers– These flowers are pollinated by the agency of wind.
  • Entomophilic flowers– These flowers are pollinated by insects.

What is the role of pollen in flowers?

Pollen is essential for sexual reproduction of flowering plants and plants that produce cones. Each pollen grain contains male gametes necessary for fertilisation. The scientific study of living and fossilised pollen grains is known as palynology. The male part of flowering plants is the stamen.

What is the main function of pollen?

Pollen in plants is used for transferring haploid male genetic material from the anther of a single flower to the stigma of another in cross-pollination. In a case of self-pollination, this process takes place from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower.

Is a pollen grain alive?

Is a pollen grain alive? Yes. The microscopic gametophyte structure inside the pollen grain is composed of living cells that upon pollination, with suitable female reproductive structures, will produce sperm for fertilization.