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How to get the Golden pot in poptropica?
Go to the Vikings, 831 and return the Amulet to the first Viking. Blow up the blocked cave entrance with the Gunpowder and enter. You’ll have about 30 seconds to grab the Golden Vase at the bottom of the cave.
How do you get the gunpowder in Poptropica Time Tangled Island?
The Gunpowder can be found in the Great Wall of China (1593 AD) time period of Time Tangled Island. You can find it near the end of the wall. It is used to blast open the cave in the time period of the Vikings (831 AD).
Where is the telegraph in Poptropica?
You must find it to fix his time period. The phonograph is found on the roof of the Greek treasury building in the Greek period. When you return his phonograph, he thanks you and tells you that you can listen to the phonograph anytime until you return it.
How do you get into time tangled Island?
When you land on Time Tangled Island, go to your right, into the lab. Talk to the woman there to get a printout. This printout will give you background knowledge on what’s going on, if you want to read it. Anyway, go down and push the plug to activate the machine. Now, of course, walk into the future machine!
How do you fix time tangled Island Poptropica?
Time Tangled Island, or what used to be known as Time Twisted Island lets makes you go back to different periods of times in order to fix the future. All you need to do is find a bunch of objects throughout time and bring them back to the future!
Where to find quippy in time tangled Island?
For walkthroughs on Time Tangled Island, scroll down. Quippy sells the following items inside the Party Time Tower common room: Pharaoh (King of Egypt), the Queen of Egypt, a Templar Knight*, and Joan of Arc*. (* = members only) For a written walkthrough with pictures, scroll down on this page!
Where to find Bartholdi in time tangled Island?
Go to the left and enter “Gadget, Gauthier et Cie.” Inside, on the right, you’ll meet Bartholdi, the sculptor who’s missing his study model. Tell him you have it, and this time period will be repaired! Exit the building and jump up to the top of the construction site.