Should Heaven and Earth be capitalized?

Should Heaven and Earth be capitalized?

In English, proper nouns (nouns which signify a particular person, place, or thing) are capitalized. Down to earth, what on earth, and move heaven and earth do not capitalize the planet, and four corners of the earth or salt of the earth take the definite article. Also note, there is a town called Earth, Texas.

Is a place supposed to be capitalized?

Proper nouns refer to a specific person, place, or thing and are always capitalized.

How do you write heaven?


  1. Yes, they are both proper nouns–names of “real” places.
  2. Yes and yes.
  3. You should capitalize Heaven and Hell, just as you would capitalize the place names in other myths.
  4. I believe that heaven exists.
  5. There seems to be a bit of a misconception here.
  6. I agree it depends on the context it is used.

When should Heaven be capitalized?

A good rule is to capitalise Heaven and Hell when they are used as proper nouns (i.e. as names of specific places). For example, some capitalise ‘Heaven’ when discussing the dwelling place of the Christian God: Jesus is said to have ascended to Heaven. Here, Heaven is a proper noun and is therefore capitalised.

Why is earth not capitalized in Bible?

Here’s why: Used in this capacity, Earth is a proper noun. While she’s on our planet Earth, the meaning of the word here refers not to the planet itself, but to the soil or dirt on the ground and, as a result, should not be capitalized.

Is Kingdom capitalized in the Bible?

capitalize Gospel when you refer to a specific book of the Bible (the Gospel of Mark) or to the four-book division of the New Testament (the Gospels) capitalize Kingdom as in Kingdom of God.

Should God always be capitalized?

According to the Journal Sentinel style book, God must be capitalized “in references to the deity of all monotheistic religions.” The lowercase “god” is only used in reference to gods and goddesses of polytheistic religions. The notorious G-O-D. And when monotheistic believers named their deity, they called him “God.”

Why do we say the Earth but not the Mars?

Why do we say the Earth but not the Mars? “Mars” is a proper noun whereas “sun” and “moon” are just nouns (it’s what they are, not what their name is) so when we’re referring to our sun or moon we use the definite article.

Is Heaven capitalized in a sentence?

Heaven and hell are not capitalized unless they’re at the beginning of a sentence. And God knows I love him even if I don’t capitalize pronouns that refer to him. But nor am I here to judge. If a fellow believer wants to capitalize divine pronouns or write of “Heaven” and “hell,” so be it.

Is Hell capitalized in writing?

“Hell” is capitalized when it is used as a proper noun. That is, you capitalize it when you are referring to it as a specific place. However, it can be perfectly legitimate to leave it uncapitalized if you are not referring to a specific place. “That job was hell” does not refer to a specific location,…

Do you capitalize Earth?

When used to describe dirt or a mass of land as a general concept, the word “earth” is not capitalized. The names of planets, such as Earth, are capitalized because they are proper nouns.