What are adjectives the describe the desert?

What are adjectives the describe the desert?

Explore the Words

  • barren. completely wanting or lacking.
  • bone-dry. without a trace of moisture; as dry as a weathered bone.
  • desert. leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch.
  • dusty. covered with a layer of fine powdery material.
  • parched. extremely thirsty.
  • thirsty.
  • waterless.
  • drought.

What word is like desert?


  • barren.
  • desolate.
  • forlorn.
  • isolated.
  • lonely.
  • neglected.
  • uninhabited.
  • vacant.

How would you describe a hot desert?

A hot desert is a part of the world that has high average temperatures and very low precipitation. These areas need to have less than 250mm of rainfall per year to be classified as a desert.

What is desert in your own words?

Answer: A desert is an area which is covered with sand. It is almost dry because rainfall is very poor there. Certain plants and animals live there.

How do you describe a desert area?

Physical geography. A desert is a region of land that is very dry because it receives low amounts of precipitation (usually in the form of rain, but it may be snow, mist or fog), often has little coverage by plants, and in which streams dry up unless they are supplied by water from outside the area.

What are three synonyms for desert?

Synonyms of desert

  • barren,
  • desolation,
  • heath,
  • no-man’s-land,
  • waste,
  • wasteland.

What are the main characteristics of the desert?

General Characteristics of the Desert:

  • Aridity: It is one and common characteristic of all deserts throughout most or all of the year.
  • Extremes of temperature:
  • Humidity:
  • Precipitation:
  • Drought:
  • High wind velocity.
  • Sparsity of cloud cover.
  • Absence of water vapour in air.

What is a desert short answer?

A desert is a dry, hot and sandy stretch of land with very little vegetation.

What is desert and its types?

The four main types of desert include hot and dry deserts, semi-arid deserts, coastal deserts, and cold deserts. In hot and dry deserts, also known as arid deserts, the temperatures are warm and dry year-round.

What are adjectives used to describe a desert?

Deserts are areas that receive very little precipitation. People often use the adjectives “hot,” “dry,” and “empty” to describe deserts, but these words do not tell the whole story.

What is another name for a desert?

Find 38 synonyms and 30 related words for “desert” in this overview. The synonyms of “Desert” are: defect, abandon, desolate, forsake, forsaken, cast aside, cast off, thrown over, betrayed, leave, give up, turn one’s back on, renounce, renege on, repudiate, forswear, relinquish, wash one’s hands of, have no more truck with, have done with, abjure, disavow, empty, evacuated, vacated, abscond, run away, make off, decamp, flee, fly, bolt, turn tail, go absent without leave, take french

What are nouns describe desert?

What’s the noun for desert? Here’s the word you’re looking for. A barren area of land or desolate terrain, especially one with little water or vegetation; a wasteland. (figuratively) Any barren place or situation. “The vehicles have been modified to suit conditions in the desert .”

What is an adjective about the desert?

Here are some adjectives for desert: dry, extreme, mostly flat and barren, uninhabited, sandy , mostly arid, incredibly dry, salty blue, bleak, unsmiling, treeless, hideous, fearful, dismal, wild and sandy, arid and repulsive, black sweltering, beautiful chromatic, high-pressure upland, bare and greenish, grandiose and