What are some V verbs?

What are some V verbs?

English Verbs Starting with V

Verb Simple Past Past Participle
to vacate vacated vacated
to vaccinate vaccinated vaccinated
to validate validated validated
to value valued valued

What are 5 verbs examples?

Examples of Action Verbs in Sentences

  • Anthony is throwing the football.
  • She accepted the job offer.
  • He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
  • John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
  • The dog ran across the yard.
  • She left in a hurry.
  • She yelled when she hit her toe.
  • The cat sat by the window.

What are 5 regular verbs?

Top Regular English Verbs

No. Verb Past Participle
5 to call called
6 to try tried
7 to ask asked
8 to need needed

What are some positive V words?

Positive Words That Have 6 or More Letters

Word Definition Synonym
valiant (adj.) brave in the face of danger gallant
validate (v.) to provide confirmation corroborate
valorous (adj.) brave or honorable courageous
valuable (adj.) having a high worth prized

What are verbs give 10 examples?

What are verb give 10 examples?

  • Anthony is throwing the football.
  • She accepted the job offer.
  • He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
  • John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
  • The dog ran across the yard.
  • She left in a hurry.
  • She yelled when she hit her toe.
  • The cat sat by the window.

What are basic verbs?

There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. They are: be, do, have, come, go, see, seem, give, take, keep, make, put, send, say, let, get.

What is the 10 example of regular verbs?

Regular Verbs Examples 50, 50 Regular Verbs List

Present Past Participle
10. Disturb Disturbed
11. Dress Dressed
12. Dry Dried
13. Eliminate Eliminated

What is V1 V2 V3 v4 and v5?

Answer: v1 is present ,v2 past ,v3 past participate ,v4 present participate, v5 simple present. Smenevacuundacy and 226 more users found this answer helpful.
