What are the 5 factors affecting transpiration?

What are the 5 factors affecting transpiration?

Rate of transpiration

  • temperature.
  • humidity.
  • wind speed.
  • light intensity.

What 5 factors affect the rate of transpiration for a plant?

Factors that affect transpiration in plants The light intensity, temperature, humidity, wind and water supply will all affect the transpiration rate.

What are five factors that can affect the rate of transpiration quizlet?

Factors affecting transpiration

  • High temperature.
  • High humidity.
  • High wind speed.
  • High light intensity.

What are the 6 factors affecting transpiration?

Factors affecting transpiration

Factor Change in factor that increases transpiration rate
Temperature Increase
Humidity Decrease
Air movement Increase
Light intensity Increase

Which factors affect transpiration the most?

Transpiration is mainly governed by the vapor pressure gradient between the internal environment of leaf mesophyll tissue and the environment. Thus, the most important factor that affects the process of transpiration is the atmospheric humidity. As the Light increases, the rate of transpiration increases.

What increases transpiration rate?

Wind and air movement: Increased movement of the air around a plant will result in a higher transpiration rate. Wind will move the air around, with the result that the more saturated air close to the leaf is replaced by drier air.

What makes transpiration faster?

Plants transpire more rapidly in the light than in the dark. This is largely because light stimulates the opening of the stomata (mechanism). Light also speeds up transpiration by warming the leaf. Plants transpire more rapidly at higher temperatures because water evaporates more rapidly as the temperature rises.

Which conditions will increase transpiration quizlet?

Light intensity, temperature, humidity, and wind/air movement. An increase in light intensity increases the rate of transpiration.

When the temperature increases the rate of transpiration?

Variables Affecting Transpiration Rates As the temperature increases, transpiration will increase due to a higher concentration in sunlight and warm air. However, if temperatures remain high for long periods of time eventually leading to drought, transpiration may go down to conserve water in the plant.

What are all the factors affecting transpiration?

Various environmental factors, such as the presence of light, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed, availability of water, and cellular factors like the orientation of leaves, number of stomata, cuticles, and lenticels affect transpiration.

What is transpiration and factors affecting it?

What is the importance of transpiration?

This is transpiration. It has two main functions: cooling the plant and pumping water and minerals to the leaves for photosynthesis. Plants need to cool themselves for several reasons. When temperatures are too high, energy systems (metabolic functions) slow, and growth and flowering slows or stops.