What are the main aims of population education?

What are the main aims of population education?

The objectives of population education is to enable the students to understand that family size is controllable, that population control can facilitate higher quality of life in the nation and small family size can contribute materially to the quality of living for the individual family.

What is the aim of population education in the Indian context?

Population education helps to improve the well-being of their families and communities. Population education leads to a greater awareness among students and teachers and a positive change in their attitudes. It can have an especially important impact on women in society.

What are the aimed population education explain?

The population education is an educational program which provides the learners for the study of population situation in the family, community, nation and the world with the purpose of developing rational and responsible attitudes and behavior towards the situation.

What is population education and its objectives?

The goal of population education is to provide young people and adults with an awareness of the interrelationships between population and development, especially the socio-economic aspects which fall under the ‘quality of life’, such as the environment, resources, health, education, employment and other social services …

What is population education class 9?

Population education is an educational program that makes a family, society, nation and the world to realize population status which helps to develop a sense or rational and responsible attitude and behavior towards it. It is the study of population.

What is the objectives of population growth?

The main objective is to achieve a stable population at a level consistent with the requirements of sustainable economic growth, social development, and environmental protection. Several policies have been formulated in different Five-Year Plans by the Government of India for population control.

What are the advantages of population?

– A growing population can generate economic growth. – The birth of more people means there will be a greater number of parents investing in their youth. -Increased purchases in products such as food, clothing, education-related expenses, sporting goods and toys feed the economy.

What are the factors that affect population?

Factors influencing population growth

  • Economic development.
  • Education.
  • Quality of children.
  • Welfare payments/State pensions.
  • Social and cultural factors.
  • Availability of family planning.
  • Female labour market participation.
  • Death rates – Level of medical provision.

What are the three components of population?

The main components of population change are births, deaths, and migration. “Natural increase” is defined as the difference between live births and deaths.

What are the main objectives of population education?

1. To provide knowledge and understanding of the prevailing situation. 2. Create awareness among the students about population matters, environment, and supply and demand of essential commodities. 3. Provide necessary skill to evaluate the impact and consequence of population growth on society. 4.

What is the purpose of population education in India?

According to UNESCO, “Population Education is an educational programme which provides for a study of population situation of the family, the community, nation and world, with the purpose of developing in the students rational and responsible attitudes and behaviour towards that situation.”. ADVERTISEMENTS:

What do you need to know about population?

Population Education. Population Education. Questions and Answers. Define population in your own words.. The total number of people living in a particular place, at a particular time is known as population.

Is the introduction of population education a good thing?

Nevertheless, a number of evaluation studies have shown in general, the introduction of population education leads to a greater awareness among students and teachers and a positive change in their attitudes toward population issues.