What does the title Lilo and Stitch mean?

What does the title Lilo and Stitch mean?

So Lilo and Stitch means lost and put back together <3. Lilo is Hawaiian for lost. …

What are stitches powers?

While explaining his creation to the Galactic Council early on in Lilo & Stitch, Dr. Jumba gives the following rundown of Stitch’s powers: “He is bulletproof, fireproof, shockproof, and can think faster than [a] supercomputer. He can see in the dark and can move objects 3,000 times his size.

What is stitches girlfriend’s name?

Angel (Experiment 624) is Stitch’s pink girlfriend who looks a lot like him and has a beautiful singing voice, with a siren song that converts reformed experiments made before her back to evil.

Why is Stitch called 626?

The experiment number for Stitch is “626” which is an area code for the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California (Whether one of the writers for the movie lives or is from this area is not known).

Why is Stitch so powerful?

Vehicle intuition: Stitch can drive any sort of vehicle, from coming as simple as a tricycle to as complex as intergalactic spaceships. This muscular arrangement makes Stitch’s muscles contract 1,000 times faster than a human’s muscle can and makes them much much more powerful.

Is 627 stronger than Stitch?

627 easily defeated Stitch, and the former and Gantu escaped with 603.

Are Stitch and angel dating?

Angel, also known as Experiment 624, is an illegal genetic experiment created by Jumba Jookiba and Stitch’s girlfriend and love interest. Also, experiments who were created after her, like Reuben, Stitch, and 627, are immune to her song.

Did Stitch and Angel have a baby?

Stitch’s and Angel’s baby, Lilo (read below!) When she was a newborn, her parents had problems with the discovery of her name. Then at one point, Stitch was mentioned the word, Lilo , near the famous jolly laughter. Then all the others realized that he liked Lilo’s name, and decided to name her Lilo.

What does 626 do with Stitch?

The Origin of Stitch He created a small blue furry alien and called him 626. 626 was the last experiment jumba created before being arested. Stitch has landed on Earth and he found a family which is Lilo, Nani, David, Pleakley, and Jumba.

How much older is Nani than Lilo?

In the movie, Nani is said to be nineteen, and Lilo is said to be seven, making them twelve years apart in age. As a result of having to support herself and Lilo, she is often stressed and busy.