What does WRD mean?

What does WRD mean?


Acronym Definition
WRD Water Replenishment District (California)
WRD Wildlife Resource Document (Texas)
WRD Water Rescue Dog (competition title; Newfoundland Club of America)
WRD World Rabies Day

What does word mean in slang?

1. Word can mean okay or just to communicate that you heard them. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” “Word.” “I’m going to the store, I’ll be back later.”

What does WTD mean in text?

what to do
WTD is an internet slang acronym used for what to do, as in what to do about a situation or what to do with the poster’s time. Related words: wwdd.

What is LLY mean in texting?

What is LLY? It means Licking Love you, meaning “I love you so badly” in online jargon. It’s an abbreviation used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, newsgroups and social media postings.

What does WYD mean in slang?

What (are) you doing?
Wyd is a text-speak abbreviation. For “What (are) you doing?” It was first defined on Urban Dictionary on 2009. Wyd can be a literal question meant to find out what another person is actually up to.

What are the slang words for 2020?

Here’s the latest instalment in our “slang for the year ahead” series, featuring terms that range from funny to just plain weird.

  • Hate to see it. A relatable combination of cringe and disappointment, this phrase can be used as a reaction to a less than ideal situation.
  • Ok, boomer.
  • Cap.
  • Basic.
  • Retweet.
  • Fit.
  • Fr.
  • Canceled.

Why do people say word?

It means: yes, or I agree, or you’ve said something that appeals to me. It evolved from “word to your mother” which meant honestly: I swear to your mother it is true… Then evolved to “word up” which was a generic catch all positive reply to many types of questions or positive affirmations.

What does WTSD mean slang?

WTSD West Tennessee School for the Deaf Community » Educational — and more…
WTSD Went To ShowDown Miscellaneous » Poker
WTSD Workplace Training and Staff Development Community » Development
WTSD Waterford Township School District Community » Schools
WTSD West Tallahatchie School District Community » Schools

What does ily mean from a girl?

ILY stands for I love you.

What does ily BBY mean?

Its meaning is “I love you baby”