What is Hagia Sophia Architecture?

What is Hagia Sophia Architecture?

Byzantine architecture
Hagia Sophia/Architectural styles
Built between 532 and 537, Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom, Ayasofya) represents a brilliant moment in Byzantine architecture and art. It was the principal church of the Byzantine Empire in its capital, Constantinople (later Istanbul), and a mosque after the Ottoman Empire conquered the city in 1453.

What age was the Hagia Sophia built?

1,484c. 537 AD
Hagia Sophia/Age

Who made Aya Sophia?

Isidore of Miletus
Anthemius of Tralles
Hagia Sophia/Architects

Is Hagia Sophia the Blue Mosque?

Until the completion of Istanbul’s Blue Mosque in 1616 the Hagia Sophia was the main mosque in the city, and its architecture inspired builders of the Blue Mosque and several others around the city and the world. After the end of World War I in 1918, the Ottoman Empire was defeated and divided by the victorious Allies.

Is Hagia Sophia still a museum?

In 1934, it was declared a museum by the secularist Turkish leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. As of June 24 of this year, Hagia Sophia’s icons of the Virgin Mary and infant Christ are covered by fabric curtains as the edifice yet again changes functions.

Why is a pendentive used in architecture group of answer choices?

Pendentives are significant in the history of architecture because they defined a new engineering technique that allowed interior domes to rise to new heights. Pendentives alsocreated a geometrically interesting interior space to be ornamented. Four pendentive areas could tell a visual story.

What materials were used for the Hagia Sophia?

The marble used for the floor and ceiling was produced in Anatolia (present-day eastern Turkey) and Syria, while other bricks (used in the walls and parts of the floor) came from as far away as North Africa. The interior of Hagia Sophia is lined with enormous marble slabs that are said to have been designed to imitate moving water.

How many visitors did the Hagia Sophia have per year?

More than 50 years later, UNESCO included Hagia Sophia as part of its Historic Areas of Istanbul World Heritage Site. The architectural marvel -celebrated for its Byzantine architecture, elaborate mosaics, and religious importance to Christians and Muslims-attracts millions of visitors each year; more than 3.7 million in 2019.

Will the Hagia Sophia become a mosque?

Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia will be converted into a mosque after 85 years as a museum, according to a decree issued today, July 10, by Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The decision has drawn…

What did the Hagia Sophia symbolize to Justinian?

From the time of Procopius in the reign of Justinian, the equestrian imperial statue on the Column of Justinian in the Augustaion beside Hagia Sophia, which gestured towards Asia with right hand, was understood to represent the emperor holding back the threat to the Romans from the Sasanian Empire in the Roman-Persian Wars, while the orb or globus cruciger held in the statue’s left was an expression of the global power of the Roman emperor.