What is Saturn made up of for kids?

What is Saturn made up of for kids?

Saturn is made up of mostly hydrogen with some helium. The surface of Saturn is gaseous, but as you go deeper the hydrogen becomes liquid and then becomes metal. Saturn’s center is a hard rocky core. Overall, Saturn is the least dense planet in the solar system.

Is Saturn a gas giant?

Second only in size to Jupiter, Saturn is made mainly of the light gases hydrogen and helium. 764 Earths would fit inside Saturn, but the gas giant weighs only 95 times as much as our rocky world. If you could put all of the planets in a pool of water, Saturn is the only one that would float.

Is Saturn mostly gas or solid?

Saturn is a gas-giant planet and therefore does not have a solid surface like Earth’s. But it might have a solid core somewhere in there.

Can you stand on Saturn?

If you tried to walk on the surface of Saturn, you would fall into the planet, suffering higher temperatures and pressures until you were crushed inside the planet. Of course you can’t stand on the surface of Saturn, but if you could, you would experience about 91% of Earth’s gravity.

Can we breathe on Saturn?

First, you can’t stand on Saturn. It’s not a nice, solid, rocky planet like Earth. Rather, it’s made mostly of gases. With these wind speeds, even if there was oxygen in Saturn’s atmosphere, you still wouldn’t be able to breathe because the air would be sucked from your lungs.

What are 2 facts about Saturn?

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  • Saturn is the least dense planet in the Solar System.
  • Saturn is a flattened ball.
  • The first astronomers thought the rings were moons.
  • Saturn has only been visited 4 times by spacecraft.
  • Saturn has 62 moons.
  • The length of a day on Saturn was a mystery until recently.

Can a human survive on Saturn?

While planet Saturn is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons. Satellites like Enceladus and Titan, home to internal oceans, could possibly support life.

Is Saturn hot or cold?

Saturn is considerably colder than Jupiter being further from the Sun, with an average temperature of about -285 degrees F. Wind speeds on Saturn are extremely high, having been measured at slightly more than 1,000 mph, considerably higher than Jupiter.

Can we walk on Saturn rings?

You probably won’t have much success walking on Saturn’s rings, unless you happen to land on one of its moons, like Methone, Pallene, or even Titan, which has been considered a potential site for a future space colony. But you’ll want to keep your space suit on, as Titan is a chilly -179.6 degrees Celsius (-292 F).

What is Saturn’s nickname?

Ringed Planet
Although the other gas giants in the solar system — Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune — also have rings, Saturn’s rings are particularly prominent, earning it the nickname the “Ringed Planet.”