What is the 5 importance of atmosphere?

What is the 5 importance of atmosphere?

The atmosphere is an important part of what makes Earth livable. It blocks some of the Sun’s dangerous rays from reaching Earth. It traps heat, making Earth a comfortable temperature. And the oxygen within our atmosphere is essential for life.

What are 3 ways the atmosphere is important to us?

Three Ways That the Atmosphere Helps Living Things Survive on…

  • Protection. The atmosphere blocks out harmful rays from the sun.
  • Water. The Earth’s atmosphere contains water.
  • Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Life on Earth needs the atmosphere to breath.
  • Other Benefits. The atmosphere contains a large amount of nitrogen.

Why is atmosphere important for us Class 6?

The atmosphere is essential for life for the following reasons: (a) Oxygen, which is essential for the survival of all living organisms, is present in the atmosphere. (b) Essential gases that support life on the earth are present in the atmosphere. (c) Water cycle would not have been possible without the atmosphere.

What are the disadvantages of atmosphere?


  • The atmosphere holds in some “greenhouse” gases that retain the heat of the Sun.
  • Clouds regularly obscure good astronomical viewing.
  • The atmosphere refracts light which means the position and clarity of star viewing is less accurate.
  • Pollution from light and chemicals obscure observations.

What are the advantages of atmosphere?

The Earth’s atmosphere protects and sustains the planet’s inhabitants by providing warmth and absorbing harmful solar rays. In addition to containing the oxygen and carbon dioxide, which living things need to survive, the atmosphere traps the sun’s energy and wards off many of the dangers of space.

Why is the atmosphere so important to us write at least five advantages?

What is the important of the atmosphere?

The atmosphere contains the air that we breathe; protects us from the harmful radiation of the Sun; helps to keep the planet’s heat on the surface, and plays a very important role in the water cycle.

What are the four advantage of atmosphere?

the Earth’s atmosphere protect and sustains the planets inhabitants by providing warmth and absorbing harmful solar rays. in addition to containing the oxygen and carbon dioxide which living things need to survive the atmosphere traps the sun energy and wards off many of the dangers of the space.

Why is the atmosphere so important to us write at least two advantages?

Why is it important to study the atmosphere?

One of the most important benefits the atmosphere provides is maintaining the Earth’s temperature. The molecules also trap reflected energy from the surface, preventing the night side of the planet from becoming too cold. Radiation. The atmosphere serves as a protective shield against radiation and cosmic rays.

What is the important of atmosphere?

What is the most important function of the atmosphere?

The atmosphere protects Earth from harmful solar radiations and regulates heating provided by the Sun. The first function is made possible by ozone existing in the stratosphere, the second function is achieved by a mix of gases existing in the whole atmosphere called “greenhouse gases”.