What is the radius of a 4 inch circumference?

What is the radius of a 4 inch circumference?

Circumference & Areas

Size in Inches Circumference Inches Area in Square Inches
4 12.570 16.000
4 1/4 13.350 18.060
4 1/2 14.140 20.250
4 3/4 14.920 22.560

What is the diameter of a 4 circle?

The radius is the distance from the center of the circle to its edge. If the radius of the circle is 4 cm, then the diameter of the circle is 4 cm x 2, or 8 cm. If you know the circumference of the circle, divide it by π to get the diameter.

What is the area of a 4 circle?

Answer: The area of the circle with a radius of 4 units is 16π sq. units.

What’s the area of a 6 inch circle?

28.27 sq.
Answer: The area of a circle with a diameter of 6 units is 28.27 sq.

What is the area of 6 inch circle?

Answer: The area of a circle with a diameter of 6 units is 28.27 sq.

What is the area of a 10 inch circle?

=78.5 square inches.

What is the area of a 5 circle?

=25π or approximately 78.54 square inches.

What is circumference with example?

The circumference of a circle is calculated using the circumference formula: 2π r = 2 × 22/7 × 28 = 176 cm. Therefore, the length of the garland is 176 cms. Example 2: The circumference of a wheel is 440 cm. Find its radius and diameter.

How do you find circumference with area?

The formula C = 2√πA is designed to find a circle’s circumference using the area (A). Alternatively, you can solve the equation A = πR2 in reverse to find R, then plug R into the circumference equation. Both equations provide the same result.

What is the measure of diameter?

The diameter measures the circle at its largest point across. Another definition that is related to the diameter is the radius. It is the measurement from the center of the circle to its edge. The radius.