What role did British East India Company have until 1857?

What role did British East India Company have until 1857?

What role did the british east india company have in india until 1857? It ruled India under under the name of Great Britain. The role was to control trade between Britain, India, and east India.

What was the role of the British East India Company in India?

The East India Company was initially created in 1600 to serve as a trading body for English merchants, specifically to participate in the East Indian spice trade. It later added such items as cotton, silk, indigo, saltpeter, tea, and opium to its wares and also participated in the slave trade.

How did the East India Company gain control of India?

The British presence in India began through trade. Men like Robert Clive of the British East India Company combined military prowess with a ruthless ambition and became fabulously wealthy. With wealth came power, and traders took control of huge swathes of India. This clip is from the series Empire.

How did the British government rule India until 1857?

The rule lasted until 1858, when, after the Indian rebellion of 1857 and consequent of the Government of India Act 1858, the British government assumed the task of directly administering India in the new British Raj….

Company rule in India
• Treaty of Allahabad 16 August 1765
2 August 1858

Why was the East India Company so successful?

By the royal charter, the English East India Company was granted the monopoly of trade in Asia. The low salaries were compensated by opportunities of trade allowed to factors in their private capacity. The Company acted to protect the private trading interests of its employees.

Who Ruled India first?

The Maurya Empire (320-185 B.C.E.) was the first major historical Indian empire, and definitely the largest one created by an Indian dynasty. The empire arose as a consequence of state consolidation in northern India, which led to one state, Magadha, in today’s Bihar, dominating the Ganges plain.

Did the British take over India?

British raj, period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 until the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947. The British government took possession of the company’s assets and imposed direct rule.