What significant things happened in 1720?

What significant things happened in 1720?

Appointment of Interest

  • Feb 11 Sweden & Prussia sign peace (2nd Treaty of Stockholm)
  • Feb 29 Queen Ulrica Eleonora of Sweden resigns.
  • May 25 The Ship “Le Grand St Antoine” reaches Marseille, bringing Europe’s last major plague outbreak.
  • Jun 9 Sweden and Denmark signs 3rd Treaty of Stockholm.

Who ruled in 1720?

George I of Great Britain

George I
House Hanover
Father Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover
Mother Sophia of the Palatinate
Religion Protestant

What happened in the United States in 1720?

1720 – The population of American colonists reaches 475,000. Boston (pop. 1725 – The population of black slaves in the American colonies reaches 75,000. 1726 – Riots occur in Philadelphia as poor people tear down the pillories and stocks and burn them.

What war was going on in 1720?

War of the Quadruple Alliance
From the time of John Cabot’s discovery of Carolana in 1497 to the end of the Lords Proprietors’ rule in 1729, Europe was constantly in a state of war….

Year(s) Name of War Participants
1718-1720 War of the Quadruple Alliance England, Spain, France, Austria

What war happened in 1620?

Battle of White Mountain, (Nov. 8, 1620), battle fought near Prague in Bohemia. The battle marked the first major victory of the Roman Catholic Habsburgs over the Protestant Union, a military alliance among the Protestant states of Germany, in the Thirty Years’ War (1618–48).

Who are some famous people born in 1720?

Famous People Born in 1720 Jan 4 Johann Friedrich Agricola, German (court)composer/organist Jan 11 Gijsbert John van Hardenbroeck, Utrechts regent Jan 13 Richard Hurd, English bishop and writer (d. 1808) Jan 27 Samuel Foote, British actor, dramatist and theatre manager (Mirror), born in Truro, Cornwall (d. 1777)

Who was the Bishop of England in 1720?

4th January » Johann Friedrich Agricola, German organist and composer (d. 1774) 13th January » Richard Hurd (bishop) called Richard Hurd, English bishop (d. 1808) 27th January » Samuel Foote, English playwright (d. 1777)

Who was the king of Sweden in 1720?

Historical Events for the Year 1720. 21st January » Sweden and Kingdom of Prussia named Prussia sign the Treaty of Stockholm (Great Northern War) e.g Treaty of Stockholm. 29th February » Queen Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden abdicates in favour of her husband, who becomes King Frederick I of Sweden e.g Frederick I on 24 March.

Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1720?

11 June – Robert Walpole and his ally and brother-in-law Charles Townshend rejoin the government as Paymaster of the Forces and Lord President of the Council ending the Whig Split lasting since 1717. Within a year they will be Prime Minister and Northern Secretary respectively