What to do if someone shoplifts?

What to do if someone shoplifts?

Following these ten steps will ensure that you minimise your risks when making a citizen’s arrest.

  1. Make sure you see the person take the item.
  2. Confront the shoplifter.
  3. Ask the shoplifter to accompany you back to the store office.
  4. Balance the risks.
  5. Use reasonable force to detain the shoplifter.
  6. Call the police.

How can I be a good shoplifter?

Common shoplifting techniques

  1. Avoid video surveillances.
  2. Don’t shoplift in the shop where you buy bread every day!
  3. Choose different stores.
  4. Use shoplifting clothes and accessories.
  5. Keep your cool.
  6. Place the stuff back if you are not certain.
  7. Know your rights.
  8. Be a good runner!

What do you do if you see someone shoplifting as an employee?

If you see someone take an item, alert another employee so that your interaction with the individual can be monitored and witnessed, then approach the person. Ask something like, “can I ring that up for you?” Never confront a shoplifter in an accusatory tone.

What do you do when someone steals money from you?

If someone has stolen money and you want him held criminally responsible – and hopefully return the money – you normally need to contact the police to file a complaint. This includes filling out a police report and presenting the evidence that you have.

Why is shoplifting a serious crime?

It is a theft crime, and like other theft charges, a conviction comes with jail time and hefty fines. In addition to the criminal consequences, a charge of shoplifting can have a significant and adverse effect on your life, your relationships, and even your job.

How do you deal with thieves?

Your aim is to discourage this behavior, teach a lesson and basically take the law into your own hands.

  1. Be certain the person you are accusing is guilty.
  2. Get your stolen items back.
  3. Obtain the thief’s personal information.
  4. Make the thief fix whatever property was damaged in the crime.

What are three signs of a potential shoplifter?

Other tell-tale signs of shoplifters include:

  • Wearing large coats or baggy clothes.
  • Avoiding eye contact.
  • Watching the staff, not the merchandise.
  • Seeking shelter in dressing rooms to stash smuggled merchandise.
  • Lurking in corners.
  • Taking advantage of stores during peak hours.

Can an employee stop a shoplifter?

Though these laws vary, store owners and their employees generally are allowed to detain an individual when they have probable cause to suspect shoplifting. Most states require that the store or its employees have evidence which would lead a reasonable person to believe that shoplifting had occurred or was in progress.

What excuses do people give when they are caught shoplifting?

For example, when apprehended, shoplifters say things like, “Everybody does it,” “the store overcharges to begin with,” “the store won’t miss it,” “I didn’t have the money.” These transparent excuses after the fact have little bearing on the actual motivation to steal.

How do you forgive someone who stole from you?

How to Forgive Someone Who Has Wronged You

  1. Why Forgiveness Is Essential to Your Well-Being.
  2. Take Some Time and Identify How You Feel.
  3. Put Yourself In Their Position.
  4. Put Your Feelings Down on Paper.
  5. Remember That Forgiveness Doesn’t Mean Reconciliation.
  6. Focus on the Present.

Do first time shoplifters go to jail?

A first offense conviction for shoplifting carries up to 6 months in county jail and a maximum fine of $1,000. However, these are not mandatory punishments and only represent the maximum sentencing exposure you face if charged with shoplifting under California Penal Code 459.5.