What was the Delian League and what did it become?

What was the Delian League and what did it become?

The Delian League was a coalition of independent governments based around urban centers, called city-states, in ancient Greece. The Delian League was formed to continue fighting the Persian Empire after Persia’s invasions were finally defeated. The League was led by the city-state Athens.

What was the purpose of the Delian League during the Golden Age of Athens?

Delian League: Founded in 478 BCE, an association of Greek city-states under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to fight the Persian Empire during the Greco-Persian Wars.

When was the Delian League formed?

478 BC
Delian League/Founded

What was the purpose of the Delian League quizlet?

It was originally the Hellenic League, but after the headquarters was moved to Delos, it became known as the Delian League. Its goal was to liberate Ionia from Persian rule and keep the Persians out of Greece.

What was the aim of the Delian League?

The Delian League, founded in 478 BC, was an association of Greek city-states, with the number of members numbering between 150 and 330 under the leadership of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second Persian invasion of …

Did Sparta or Athens win the war?

Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC. First, the democracy was replaced by on oligarchy of thirty Athenians, friendly to Sparta. The Delian League was shut down, and Athens was reduced to a limit of ten triremes. Finally, the Long Walls were taken down.

What was the main purpose of the Delian League?

The Delian League was founded in 478 BCE following the Persian War to be a military alliance against any enemies that might threaten Ionian Greeks. It was led most notably by Athens, who protected all members unable to protect themselves with its massive and powerful navy.

What was the result of the Delian League?

The Delian League (or Athenian League) was an alliance of Greek city-states led by Athens. The alliance of over 300 cities within the League would eventually be so dominated by Athens that, in effect, it evolved into the Athenian empire.

Why did Greek city-state form the Delian League?

The Delian League (or Athenian League) was an alliance of Greek city-states led by Athens and formed in 478 BCE to liberate eastern Greek cities from Persian rule and as a defence to possible revenge attacks from Persia following the Greek victories at Marathon, Salamis, and Plataea in the early 5th century BCE.

How did did the Delian League receive its name?

Founded in 477 BC, the Delian league in ancient Greece can be described as an association of the independent city-states of Greece led by Athens. The league was so named because it was formed by the meeting of the representatives of the city-states at Delos . The treasury of the league was also located in this city; hence the name.

What did the Delian League begin as an alliance to?

The Delian League started as a military alliance against Persia. Around 200 city-states, including Eretria, Mykonos, Athos and Byzantium, joined the alliance by the mid-fifth century BC for the same reason. They wanted protection by the Athenians, who controlled the naval yards, thus turning them into the only ones who could fight against Persia.

Why did Athens lead the Delian League?

Athens willingly and in fact, eagerly became the leader of the Delian League because of self interest and the opportunities that it would provide for her. After the Greeks final victory over the Persians in 479 BC, some of the Greek communities in the Aegean still sought liberation from Persian control.