Where are the hilly flanks?

Where are the hilly flanks?

The Hilly Flanks are the upland areas surrounding the Fertile Crescent of Southwest Asia, including the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, the Taurus Mountains, and the highland parts of the Levant. The term was coined by Robert Braidwood in 1948.

What crops were domesticated in the hilly flanks?

And, subsequent investigation has shown that the hilly flanks of the Zagros are indeed the native habitat for animals such as goats, sheep, and pigs, and plants such as chickpea, wheat and barley.

Who developed the hypothesis for Neolithic Revolution?

One of the first and probably the most famous explanation of the Neolithic revolution based on climate change was proposed by Pumpelly R32 and popularized by Childe VG21 and is named the “Oases theory”. In this theory, bands of HG were initially living in an environment able to satisfy their basic needs.

What is nuclear zone hypothesis?

Robert Braidwood: “Nuclear Zone Hypothesis.” Braidwood believes that domestication must have arisen in the natural habitats of wild ancestors of domesticated plants and animals. These were located in hilly regions adjacent to the Fertile Crescent (Zagros, Anatolia).

What is the population pressure hypothesis?

In the 1960s, Lewis Binford proposed the population pressure hypothesis. Relying on evidence of the successful adaptation of food collecting, Binford argued that human groups would not become farmers unless they had no other choice. Increasing populations required people to get more food.

Who proposed Oasis theory?

A general theory explaining the development of agriculture and the Neolithic way of life that was first put forward by Pumpelly in 1908, reiterated by Newberry in 1924, and popularized by Gordon Childe, in the 1920s.

What new technologies did the Natufians develop once they began living in permanent settlements?

Because the Natufians were becoming increasingly dependent wild cereals, they developed new technologies to harvest grain – flint sickles set into wood or bone handles, and storage pits to insure that their wild harvest would last throughout the year.

What will happen to food supply after a nuclear war?

In a nuclear attack most of these supplies in urban areas would be destroyed. In the United States and other developed countries, food no longer is carried by farmers to nearby markets.

What is the edge hypothesis?

The connection of two edge-detector units monitoring two points close to each other is shown. The more similar the orientation of the detected edge, the more they increase the output signal of each other. Each signal channel represents 2-D vector signals. …

Why are the hilly flanks important to agriculture?

First postulated as the place of origin for agriculture by archaeologist Robert Braidwood in the late 1940s, the Hilly Flanks theory argued that the ideal location for the beginnings of agriculture would be an upland region with sufficient rainfall to make irrigation unnecessary.

Where are the hilly flanks in the Fertile Crescent?

Hilly flanks is a geographic term referring to the wooded lower slopes of a mountain range. In particular, and in archaeological science, Hilly Flanks refers to the lower slopes of the Zagros and Tauros mountains that make up the western fringe of the Fertile Crescent, in southwestern Asia within the modern countries of Iraq, Iran and Turkey.

What are the hilly flanks of the Zagros?

Further, Braidwood argued, it would have to be a place that was a suitable habitat for the wild ancestors of the first domesticated animals and plants. And, subsequent investigation has shown that the hilly flanks of the Zagros are indeed the native habitat for animals such as goats, sheep, and pigs, and plants such as chickpea, wheat and barley .

Where are the hilly flanks in the Neolithic?

Sites in the hilly flanks that have shown evidence supporting Braidwood’s Hilly Flanks theory include Jarmo (Iraq) and Ganj Dareh (Iran). This glossary entry is a part of the About.com Guide to the Neolithic, and the Dictionary of Archaeology .
