Where is 90% of the life in oceans found?

Where is 90% of the life in oceans found?

To better understand the oceans, scientists travel to some of the most remote and extreme places on earth—including the seafloor. While 90 percent of marine biodiversity is concentrated in the first 60 feet below the surface, the ocean’s deep abyss still holds many secrets.

Where does most of the ocean life live and why?

The majority of biodiversity in the ocean in found in the photic zone where light permeates the water column making photosynthesis possible; however, even in the deep sea where little to no light is available, life has found a way.

Where do 90% of all organisms live?

the ocean
By volume, the ocean provides about 90 percent of the living space on the planet.

How many animals live in the sea?

Ocean Life Scientists estimate that about one million species of animals live in the ocean. But most of them—95 percent—are invertebrates, animals that don’t have a backbone, such as jellyfish and shrimp.

What are 5 facts about the ocean?

These 10 unbelievable ocean facts illustrate just how important these initiatives are.

  • Our oceans cover more than 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface.
  • The majority of life on Earth is aquatic.
  • Less than five per cent of the planet’s oceans have been explored.
  • The world’s longest mountain chain is underwater.

How many animals are in the ocean 2020?

What is the oldest extinct animal?

10 Oldest Species in the World

  • Horsetails. Age: over 300 million.
  • Coelacanth. Age: c.400 million years.
  • Elephant Shark. Age: c.400 million years.
  • Horseshoe Crab. Age: 445 million years.
  • Nautilus. Age: c.500 million years.
  • Velvet Worms. Age: c.500 million years.
  • Jellyfish.
  • Sponges.

What percentage of life is in the ocean?

An estimated 50-80% of all life on earth is found under the ocean surface and the oceans contain 99% of the living space on the planet. Less than 10% of that space has been explored by humans.

How many animals live in the ocean 2020?

Will there be fish in 2050?

An estimated 70 percent of fish populations are fully used, overused, or in crisis as a result of overfishing and warmer waters. If the world continues at its current rate of fishing, there will be no fish left by 2050, according to a study cited in a short video produced by IRIN for the special report.

What was the first animal on Earth?

comb jelly
A comb jelly. The evolutionary history of the comb jelly has revealed surprising clues about Earth’s first animal.