Which word means something that Cannot be avoided?

Which word means something that Cannot be avoided?

inevitable. adjective. impossible to avoid or prevent.

Which Cannot be avoided meaning?

When a thing or process is inexorable, it can’t be stopped. This is a word for people and things that will not change direction. When you see the word inexorable, think “No one’s stopping that.”

What Cannot be seen in one word substitution?

Solution(By Examveda Team) One word substitution is Invisible. Insensible: unaware of or indifferent to. Intangible: unable to be touched; not having physical presence. Invisible: unable to be seen.

Who Cannot corrected?

One who cannot be corrected is called Incorrigible.

Which Cannot be easily read?

Verbal Ability

  • illegible.
  • incomprehensible.
  • unreadable.
  • unintelligible.

Which Cannot be seen is?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Invisible: unable to be seen. Unseen: not seen or noticed.

Which Cannot be corrected give one word?

One who cannot be corrected : Incorrigible.

What which Cannot be corrected?

That which cannot be corrected.

  • Unintelligible.
  • Indelible.
  • Illegible.
  • Incorrigible.

What Cannot be seen by substitute?

One word substitution is Invisible. Insensible: unaware of or indifferent to. Intangible: unable to be touched; not having physical presence. Invisible: unable to be seen.

When to use ” avoid ” and when ” prevent “?

To avoid is to not go near something that is currently happening. To prevent is to stop something from existing or happening altogether. So if I conclude your answers, we can use “prevent” for an action that we don’t want to happen & avoid to renounce a situation.

Are there any words that can not be avoided?

Cannot Be Avoided synonyms – 44 Words and Phrases for Cannot Be Avoided. it can’t be helped. cannot be prevented. may be avoided. cannot be averted. one cannot avoid. preventable. adj. can be averted.

When do you use the word impossible to avoid?

used for describing an unpleasant fact or situation that is very obvious or impossible to avoid. uncontrollable. adjective. impossible to control or stop. you can’t get away from something/there’s no getting away from something. phrasal verb. used for saying that a fact or situation must be accepted and cannot be avoided.

Are there any medical conditions that cannot be avoided?

Genetic conditions, miscarriage, preeclampsia (toxemia), and preterm births, cannot be avoided. Some miscarriages and preterm births may be avoided if unhealthy lifestyles are stopped. How does an avoidant personality disorder develop?