Why does Edward walk into the sun?

Why does Edward walk into the sun?

Mistakenly thinking Bella is dead, Edward decides to step into the sunlight in a crowded plaza in Volterra, Italy, to force the ruling vampire family to destroy him. He plans to wait until the sun is “directly overhead”—at the very top of the sky.

Why does Edward show himself in New Moon?

The reason why Edward decided to reveal himself is because Aro refused to kill him at first so he tries to break the law by an act that would have revealed the existence of vampires and invoked the wrath of the Volturi.

How long did Bella wait for Edward in New Moon?

3 nights
Bella quickly realizes he has done so and calls him on it, but attends in spite of this fact. After Bella’s birthday Edward waits 3 nights before he leaves.

Does Edward leave Bella in Midnight Sun?

He was still desperately in love with her the whole time he was gone. But what Midnight Sun revealed was, as Bella recovered in the hospital from James’ attack on her, Edward decided he’d leave eventually. Even though she could sense something was up, Edward’s outward assurance made her relax.

Does Jessica hate Bella?

She always acts nice toward Bella, but in truth she really disliked her and was upset when both Edward Cullen and Mike Newton showed interest in Bella instead of her. She was jealous of her the whole time and was known to be a fake friend, but never did anything hurtful.

Why did Edward try to kill Volturi in New Moon?

Which is what a depressed Edward does in New Moon, to try to force the Volturi to kill him. The thing is, in the Twilight universe, most people believed the standard widely-held vampire myths.

Why did Edward use his mouth at the end of Twilight?

So if all of Edward’s body fluids are venom, that means he wouldn’t have had any sperm to impregnate human Bella. Since venom is poisonous to humans, we’re assuming it wouldn’t be able to work in its place to create a human life. Plus, Edward uses his mouth to suck James’ venom out of Bella at the end of Twilight.

What happens to Edward and Bella’s sperm in Twilight?

This is probably the most common question amongst Twihards. In the book, when a human is turned into a vampire, all their body fluids turn into venom. So if all of Edward’s body fluids are venom, that means he wouldn’t have had any sperm to impregnate human Bella.

Why did Jasper turn into a vampire in New Moon?

As we all know, Jasper couldn’t even handle himself around Bella’s paper cut in New Moon, and he’d been a vampire for nearly 150 years at that point. Yet, after Bella turns, it takes her mere weeks to get her urges in check.