Why does George go for a drink?

Why does George go for a drink?

George values his and Lennie’s dream and is not willing to jeopardize it by needlessly spending money on women. He realizes that he can spend some money on a few drinks but is not willing to blow all of his cash on expensive women.

What is George afraid will happen to them if others find out they are going to buy a ranch?

What is George afraid will happen to them if others find out they are going to buy a ranch? They will try to get them all fired because no one wants to see some guys get their dreams. Describe Curley’s wife.

Why does slim tell George they need to get a drink?

After George tells Carlson that he killed Lennie, Slim notices George’s hand twitching (the hand holding the gun). Slim tells George that he and George need to go get a drink. Slim does not invite anyone else; instead, he makes it obvious (to the reader) that he wants to be alone with George to comfort him.

Why did George tell Lennie not to drink the water of the Salinas River?

George knows that still water often contains dangerous bacteria that can make a person extremely sick, which is why he warns Lennie to stop drinking from the Salinas River. George tells Lennie not to drink too much water because it is scummy and he is afraid it will make him sick.

What does George do after he kills Lennie?

After killing Lennie, George will never fulfill the dream of life on the farm. At the beginning of the novel, when George describes the dream to Lennie, he also describes other ranchers: “’They got no family. They come to a ranch an’ work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake…

What does George tell Lennie to calm him down?

What does George tell Lennie to calm him down before he shoots him? George tells Lennie the story of how they are going to get their farm and animals. He tells Lennie that he gets to tend the rabbits and this plan is gonna happen real soon.

What evidence does candy give that the boss is a good guy?

What evidence does Candy give that the boss is a good guy? He gave the ranch workers a gallon of whisky for Christmas.