How did modern scholars learn that Mohenjodaro existed?

How did modern scholars learn that Mohenjodaro existed?

How did modern scholars learn that Mohenjodaro had ever existed? It had enemies who might attack the residents. Part of Mohenjodaro was raised and surrounded by a wall. Which fact shows that Mohenjodaro was crefully planned?

How have scholars learned about Mohenjodaro?

Houses in Mohenjodaro had from one to a dozen rooms. How have scholars learned about Mohenjodaro? by studying its buildings and artifacts. What remains unknown about the Indus valley civilization?

What do these seals tell historians about Mohenjodaro?

What do the seals tell historians about Mohenjodaro? They created a sewer system for all of their waste. Homes in Mohenjodaro had from one to a dozen rooms.

How did archaeologists determine that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned?

How did archaeologists determine that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned? Ancient documents showed plans for the city. Excavated ruins revealed streets divided into blocks. Paintings told the history of how the city was built.

Where is Harappa located now?

Harappa, village in eastern Punjab province, eastern Pakistan. It lies on the left bank of a now dry course of the Ravi River, west-southwest of the city of Sahiwal, about 100 miles (160 km) southwest of Lahore.

What facts show that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned?

SS Test

Question Answer
Which fact shows that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned? Nine streets divided the lower city into blocks
What does the list show about the civilization that included Mohenjodaro? Invaders, Floods, Earthquakes. theories for why it disappeared

What did the size of the homes in Mohenjodaro suggest?

An ancient statue. Homes in Mohenjodaro had from oen to a dozen rooms. What does thos suggest about the city? Some people were wealthier than others.

What was used in making the seals and what was found special in seals?

Thousands of seals have been discovered by archaeologists from the Harappan sites. Most of the seals were made of steatite, which is a kind of soft stone. A few of them were also made of terracotta, gold, agate, chert, ivory and faience.

How do we know that Mohenjodaro was a carefully planned city?

How do we know that Mohenjodaro was a carefully planned city? By studying the ruins of Mohenjodaro, we see that the city was carefully planned. The citadel was on a platform of mud and brick. Below the citadel were nine streets that divided the city into blocks, like those of a modern city.

Why do archaeologist conclude the Mohenjodaro was carefully planned?

Pakistan. Excavated ruins revealed streets divided into blocks. How did archaeologists determine that Mohenjodaro was carefully planned? Some archaeologists think that the Great Bath was used for religious rituals.

Which is the largest site of Harappa?

Rakhigarhi is the largest Harappan site in the Indian subcontinent.