What kind of cyst is behind the knee?

What kind of cyst is behind the knee?

Swelling on the back of one knee may be a Baker’s cyst. A Baker’s cyst can form when joint-lubricating fluid fills a cushioning pouch (bursa) at the back of your knee. A Baker’s cyst is a fluid-filled cyst that causes a bulge and a feeling of tightness behind your knee.

How bad can a Baker’s Cyst get?

Baker’s cysts aren’t dangerous and they may go away on their own. But occasionally they burst, and if that happens, synovial fluid can leak into the calf below, causing pain, swelling, and reddening.

Is draining a Baker’s Cyst painful?

Most patients do not report any pain during the procedure but you may feel slight pressure when the needle is inserted into the cyst. Once the procedure is complete, your doctor may put a small bandage on the site.

How do you get rid of a cyst behind your knee?


  1. Medication. Your doctor may inject a corticosteroid medication, such as cortisone, into your knee to reduce inflammation.
  2. Fluid drainage. Your doctor may drain the fluid from the knee joint using a needle.
  3. Physical therapy. Icing, a compression wrap and crutches may help reduce pain and swelling.

Can you get a tumor behind your knee?

Both benign and malignant tumors of the skin, soft tissues, or bone can cause a lump behind the knee.

How long can a Baker’s cyst last?

A Baker’s cyst usually goes away on its own, but it can take months or even years. Treatment to reduce inflammation.

Is there a natural way to get rid of a Baker’s cyst?

Why exercise helps treat and decrease the symptoms of a Baker’s cyst. Regular, gentle exercises can increase your range of motion and strengthen the muscles around your knees. By exercising several times per week, you can decrease some of the symptoms you may be experiencing as a result of this fluid-filled sac.

Can a Baker’s cyst cause a blood clot?

In rare cases, a Baker cyst may cause complications. The cyst may enlarge, which may cause redness and swelling. The cyst may also rupture, causing warmth, redness, and pain in your calf. The symptoms may be the same as a blood clot in the veins of the legs.

How do you tell if a Baker’s cyst has ruptured?

Symptoms of a ruptured Baker’s cyst include pain, swelling of the calf, and bruising behind the knee. It’s possible for Baker’s cysts to go away on their own. The body simply resorbs the excess fluid. They can also burst and release fluid under the skin that will eventually be resorbed.

Why is the back of my knee tight?

Tightness in the knee can occur as a result of injury to the tendons, ligaments, or cartilage inside the knee. In some cases, it may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Anyone who experiences tightness in one or both knees should see a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

What does a tumor in the knee feel like?

Joint swelling and stiffness. A tumor that occurs near or in a joint may cause the joint to swell and become tender or stiff. This means a person may have a limited and painful range of movement.

What does a lump on the side of your knee mean?

A lump on the side of the knee is often due to a meniscal cyst. We treat these cysts with simple treatments followed by an injection. Overall, we should limit surgery to those cases that fail simple treatments.