What does as his equal mean?

What does as his equal mean?

1 often foll by: to or with identical in size, quantity, degree, intensity, etc.; the same (as) 2 having identical privileges, rights, status, etc.

Does equal mean the same as?

Some common synonyms of equal are equivalent, identical, same, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean “not different or not differing from one another,” equal implies being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality.

What is another word for equal to?

What is another word for equal?

identical uniform
equivalent same
commensurate comparable
corresponding indistinguishable
like matched

What is another word for treating people the same?

If something is fair because everyone has the same opportunities and treatment, you could use the word egalitarian in formal contexts. We are working towards an egalitarian society. Equitable can also be used in formal contexts when a system is fair because everyone is treated in the same way.

How do you use equal?

Equal sentence example

  1. She is quite equal to Marya Antonovna.
  2. His kiss was ardent and she returned it with equal passion.
  3. “My pleasure,” she responded with equal sincerity.
  4. Only this was equal to a hundred thunderstorms.
  5. “You’ve said quite enough for one evening,” she answered with equal composure.

Does equal always mean just?

Children usually think that “fair” and “equal” mean the same thing, but they do not. Fair means that everyone gets what they need or deserve while equal means that everyone gets the same regardless of need.

Does Per mean to divide or multiply?

“per” means for every. It doesn’t mean division.

What is another word for equal in geometry?

Division-quotient, dividend, divide, divided by, each, per, average, divided equally. Equal-the same, equals, the same as, equivalent, is equal to.

What is it called when someone is treated differently?

Direct discrimination is when you’re treated differently and worse than someone else for certain reasons. Direct discrimination can be because of: age. disability. gender reassignment.

What does it mean to treat someone like property?

If I treated her as if she were my property, after all, it means that I would take care of her, protect her, and treat her well above all things not in my possession. …