What does acute mean in The Tell-Tale Heart?

What does acute mean in The Tell-Tale Heart?

acute (uh-kyoot) adj. sensitive to details; keen. derivatives: acutely, acuteness. “The disease had sharpened my sense—not destroyed—not dulled them. Above all was the sense of hearing acute.”

How is acute used in The Tell-Tale Heart?

Above all was the sense of hearing acute. A shriek had been heard by a neighbour during the night; suspicion of foul play had been aroused; information had been lodged at the police office, and they (the officers) had been deputed to search the premises.

In which sentence is acute used correctly?

Using Acute in a Sentence When to use acute: Acute is an adjective that means sharp, intense, or severe. For example, He felt an acute pain after the removal of his wisdom teeth.

What is telltale quizlet?

tell-tale means betraying. the narrator’s heart betrays him. he thinks he hears the old man’s heart beat but it is his heart beat.

What does acute mean in above all was the sense of hearing acute?

Acute. Definition: Adj; sharp. Example: His nervousness increased his acute sense of hearing. Example from Poe’s writing: “Above all was the sense of hearing acute” (Pg.354) Vexed.

What does acute mean in a story?

Acute really means “sharp” or “severe” or “intense” and modifies certain kinds of angles in geometry or describes a certain kind of illness of short duration. The English word apparently entered the language during the sixteenth century from the Latin root acutus, which means “sharp” or “pointed.”

How do you use the word acute?

Acute in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Because my appendicitis was an acute issue, the nurse took me directly into an emergency station for treatment.
  2. I knew I needed to go to the doctor when the acute pain in my chest did not respond to my heart medicine.
  3. Since Barb has an acute fear of drowning, she has never entered a swimming pool.

What does the eye in Tell Tale heart symbolize?

In The Tell Tale Heart, an eye represents an object that watches a narrator continually, eventually becoming its main motivation to kill. By accepting guilt in the minute hand that he is responsible for the death of an old man, a narrator symbolically tries to hide a crime in his subconscious.