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At what level does Staraptor learn close combat?
Close Combat can simply be learned when reaching lvl. 34. If your Staraptor is higher, simply relearn the moves from the “move reminder”.
What moves can Staraptor learn platinum?
Moves learnt by level up
Lv. | Move | Type |
5 | Quick Attack | Normal |
9 | Wing Attack | Flying |
13 | Double Team | Normal |
18 | Endeavor | Normal |
What levels does Staraptor learn moves?
Moves learnt by level up
Lv. | Move | Power |
28 | Aerial Ace | 60 |
33 | Take Down | 90 |
41 | Agility | — |
49 | Brave Bird | 120 |
How do you get Staraptor in Pokemon Pearl?
Starly requires (Level 14) to evolve into Staravia and then (Level 34) to evolve into Staraptor in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
Is Staraptor better than Pidgeot?
Is Staraptor better than Pidgeot? So as you can see, Staraptor is better on the offensive. It has a massive 120 attack stat to pair with powerful moves such as STAB Brave Bird and Double-Edge and Close Combat. It’s ability Reckless even boosts Brave Bird and Double-Edge to higher levels of power.
Which is better Talonflame or Staraptor?
Staraptor has more power to boot, and admittedly can at rare times run a band, which gives it infinitely more power that Talonflame. However, in my opinon, Talonflame somewhat outclasses Staraptor because: While Talonflame can still outspeed most Pokemon with a Choice Band, Staraptor cannot.
Why is Staraptor so good?
It’s an amazing wall breaker, it’s blessed with 2 very good abilities, a very good attack stat and a nice base speed. However, a lot of problem stuck with Staraptor ; it has paper defenses and can easily be revenge kill by a scarfer or with a priority moves.
Is Staraptor better than Talonflame?
Which is better Charizard or Talonflame?
Talonflame doesn’t require a legacy move to perform. Even with Blast Burn and a higher ATK stat, Charizard loses to Talonflame and edges it out with just a slightly higher win percentage. At level 50, a Talonflame beats the Open Ultra League meta better than Charizard does.
Is Talonflame better than Pidgeot?
Talonflame is likely the better option.
Why is Staraptor bl?
Pokemon in A BL Tier would be in the lower tier by default, but are specifically bNned in that format. Staraptor has kind of a perfect offensive combination, strong STAB attacks, a perfect coverage move, U-turn and a complimentary ability in Reckless to boost its already strong stab moves to even greater heights.
Why is Talonflame so good?
Talonflame is able to carve a small niche in the UU metagame as a threatening sweeper and revenge killer for offensive teams thanks to its great speed, excellent offensive typing, ability Gale Wings, and access to the boosting move Swords Dance.
When does Staravia learn the Brave Bird move?
After your Staravia evolves (at level 34) into a Staraptor, you need to get it to level 43 then it learns Brave Bird. Brave Bird is a flying type move that has 120 power and 100% accuracy. The only bad thing about this move is that your Staraptor takes 33% of the damage that your opponent takes.
When does Staravia evolve into a staraptor?
After your Staravia evolves (at level 34) into a Staraptor, you need to get it to level 43 then it learns Brave Bird.
What kind of bird is the staraptor from Pokemon?
Staraptor is based on the white-cheeked starling, a common species of bird found throughout Asia, combined with a bird of prey. Although it largely resembles the starling in appearance, much of its inspiration comes from hawks and falcons, particularly its predatory nature and aerial speed.
How does staraptor learn moves in Pokemon platinum?
Staraptor learns the following moves in Pokémon Platinum at the levels specified. Lv. Cat. Staraptor learns the following moves via breeding in Pokémon Platinum. Details and compatible parents can be found on the Staraptor egg moves page. Cat. Cat.