What is the vapor pressure of water at 25 C at 30 C?

What is the vapor pressure of water at 25 C at 30 C?

Vapor Pressure of Water from 0 °C to 100 °C

T °C P (torr)
25 23.8
26 25.2
27 26.7
28 28.4

What is the vapor pressure of water at 30c?


Temperature oC Vapor Pressure mm Hg
27 26.739
28 28.349
29 30.043
30 31.824

How do you calculate water vapor pressure?

simple_pressure = e^(20.386 – (5132 / (temperature + 273)) , where vapor pressure is expressed in mmHg and temperature in kelvins. The temperature T is expressed in degrees Celsius and the vapor pressure P is in mmHg.

What is the vapor pressure of water at 25 C?

The vapor pressure of water at room temperature (25° C) is 0.0313 atm, or 23.8 mm of mercury (760 mm Hg = 1 atm).

At what temperature is the vapor pressure of water 25 mmHg?

Water vapor pressure in mm Hg between 15.0°C and 30.8°C
Temperature (°C) 0.0 0.8
23 21.068 22.110
24 22.377 23.476
25 23.756 24.912

At what temperature is the vapor pressure of water 25 MMHG?

Is the vapor pressure of water high or low?

Summary. Water has high surface tension because of extensive hydrogen bonding. The vapor pressure of water is low due to hydrogen bonding. Vapor pressure increases as temperature increases.

What is the vapor pressure of water at 20 degrees Celsius in mmHg?

Water vapor pressure in mm Hg between 15.0°C and 30.8°C
Temperature (°C) 0.0 0.2
19 16.477 16.685
20 17.535 17.753
21 18.650 18.880

What is the vapor pressure of water at 100 C?

1 atmosphere
At standard atmospheric pressure (1 atmosphere = 0.101325 MPa), water boils at approximately 100 degrees Celsius. That is simply another way of saying that the vapor pressure of water at that temperature is 1 atmosphere.

What causes the low vapor pressure of water?

Vapor Pressure. The hydrogen bonding between liquid water molecules explains why water has an unusually low vapor pressure. Relatively few molecules of water are capable of escaping the surface of the liquid and enter the vapor phase. Evaporation is slow and thus the vapor exerts a low pressure in a closed container.