What is the meaning of Mushi Mushi?

What is the meaning of Mushi Mushi?

So “moshi moshi ” is really a polite, humble way of saying “speaking, speaking” or “I say, I say”. Moshi moshi is not only used on the telephone. It can also be used to call someone’s attention in person.

Why do Japanese say Moshi twice?

‘Moshi Moshi’ is an abbreviation of ‘Mosu Mosu’ (the Japanese verb ‘to speak’). Ghosts have a long history in Japanese culture – they are called 妖怪 (youkai). According to the historian, saying ‘Moshi Moshi’ twice was the way to prove you were not a ghost. Apparently ghosts can only say ‘Moshi’ once!

How do Japanese answer the phone?

moshi moshi
Answering the phone. When answering a personal call on your own phone, the standard way to answer the phone is simply, 「もしもし」 (moshi moshi) which is the equivalent of the English “Hello”. However, moshi moshi is not appropriate if you are answering a business call.

How do you reply to Moshi Moshi?

The typical greeting when answering the phone is もしもし (moshi moshi), used to initiate the dialogue. The expression comes from 申します (mōshimasu), a polite form of the verb mōsu, to say.

Is Moshi Moshi rude?

If you’re receiving a call from family or friends, moshi moshi is the way to go. But never use it in business situations. It’s considered rude because it’s a shortened phrase. Younger Japanese people don’t always know not to use “moshi moshi” in formal telephone calls (Honestly.

What does ” mushi mushi ” mean in Japanese?

Mushi Mushi (蒸し蒸し) means humid. for example: 今日 は 蒸し蒸し する (kyou ha MushiMushi suru) = it’s humid today. mushi means incect. moshi moshi means hello, in the first comment in the phone. mushi means incect. moshi moshi means hello, in the first comment in the phone.

Where does the saying Moshi Moshi come from?

There is a legend that kitsune (shape-shifting fox-spirits) cannot say “ moshi moshi ” , so if someone answers with that phrase, you know she must be a real human being – or at least not a kitsune. However, that isn’t where the phrase comes from. It is actually a contraction/doubling of the word 申す mousu, which is the humble form of 言う iu – “ say”.

What does it mean when you say Moshi masu?

What this literally means is “ (I am) said Mary” – a bit like the French je m’appelle Mary (I call myself Mary). which also means “ (I am) said Mary”. By using moushi-masu instead of ii-masu you are turning it into something like “humble little me is said Mary”.

Is it true that a kitsune cannot say Moshi Moshi?

There is a legend that kitsune (shape-shifting fox-spirits) cannot say “ moshi moshi ” , so if someone answers with that phrase, you know she must be a real human being – or at least not a kitsune. However, that isn’t where the phrase comes from.