Can you go swimming in a lake with shingles?

Can you go swimming in a lake with shingles?

Is It Okay to Swim with Shingles? Caused by the same virus that forms chickenpox, shingles develops itchy blisters that turn into scabs. Since you are contagious until the blisters have healed, you should avoid going swimming to prevent spreading the virus.

Is swimming in salt water good for shingles?

Bathe the rash three times a day with salt water (saline) to help remove crusts. Cover with a light non-stick dressing to help stop the rash infecting other people with the virus. Do not use topical antibiotics (creams or ointments) and adhesive dressings, as they can delay rash healing.

Is water bad for shingles?

Do not use hot water. Hot water can worsen shingles blisters because heat increases blood flow.

Can I go to the beach with shingles?

You should avoid prolonged sun exposure if you have shingles because: The area of skin affected by the shingles rash is already tender and fragile, so excessive ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure, such as sunshine, can further damage that skin.

When is it safe to swim after shingles?

In most cases, that could take anywhere from seven to 10 days, with two to four weeks being the average time the virus takes to fully clear. Swimmers will want to steer clear of the pool while they are in a blister phase. That goes for any kind of communal pool, including hot tubs and public showers.

Is swimming good for shingles?

If you have the shingles rash, do not share towels or flannels, go swimming, or play contact sports. This will help prevent the virus being passed on to someone who has not had chickenpox. You should also avoid work or school if your rash is weeping (oozing fluid) and cannot be covered.

Are tomatoes good for shingles?

Arginine is an amino acid that helps the shingles virus replicate. Chocolate, nuts and seeds, canned tuna, and gelatin all contain high levels of arginine. Other arginine-heavy foods to stay away from are tomatoes, wheat germ, Brussels sprouts, and some fruits including grapes, blackberries and blueberries.