Is an Oscar real gold?

Is an Oscar real gold? The statuettes are solid bronze and plated in 24-karat gold. Due to a metal shortage during World War II, Oscars® were made of painted plaster for three years. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones. How much can you sell an […]

What is Corfu Greece known for?

What is Corfu Greece known for? Corfu is known as Greece’s emerald island because Corfu is one of the greenest islands in Greece. There are more than 2 million olive trees on the island of Corfu adding to its lushness and the food tables. Check out also what to do in Mykonos, another beautiful Greek […]

Is poverty a adjective?

Is poverty a adjective? adjective, poor·er, poor·est. having little or no money, goods, or other means of support: a poor family living on welfare. characterized by or showing poverty. Is poor a noun? The word ‘poor’ is a noun, a plural, uncountable noun; a word for people of little means in general. The noun form […]

What animal lives on treetops?

What animal lives on treetops? What do sloths, koalas, flying snakes, geckos, tarsiers, and opossums all have in common? They form an interesting group of organisms that are adapted to tree-top living. Arboreal animals spend most of their time eating, sleeping, playing and raising their young in the trees. What species of monkey lives high […]

What causes chain islands?

What causes chain islands? The islands appear in this pattern for a specific reason: They were formed one after the other as a tectonic plate, the Pacific Plate, slid over a plume of magma—molten rock—puncturing Earth’s crust. This movement caused the Hawaiian chain of islands to form. What can create a volcanic island chain? Generally, […]

How are the properties of liquids and solids different?

How are the properties of liquids and solids different? solid: Relatively rigid, definite volume and shape. In a solid, the atoms and molecules are closely bonded that they vibrate in place but don’t move around. liquids: Definite volume but able to change shape by flowing. In a liquid, the atoms and molecules are loosely bonded. […]