Did they ever find Dan Nolan?

Did they ever find Dan Nolan?

Late that evening the boys became separated and, although the other three arrived home safely, Dan never returned. 21 months later human remains were discovered on a remote pool area in Swanage, 33 miles in a straight line 60 miles by road. These remains were positively identified as Dan’s.

What happened to Daniel Nolan?

When 14-year-old Dan Nolan vanished on a late-night fishing trip on New Year’s Day, police told his family that he had probably drowned. He has now been missing for six months, and his mother, Pauline, is increasingly convinced that the explanation is too simple.

What was Dan Nolan last seen wearing?

Daniel is 5 ft 7 inches tall. He is of medium build with brown eyes and short dark hair. When last seen he was wearing a beige jacket, a red fleece, a grey woolly hat and dark blue rip-curl trousers.

Why was missing Nolan written?

Dan Nolan was 14 when he went missing from Hamble, Hampshire on the evening of 1 January 2002. When he found out that Dan was still missing and saw a stall trying to raise awareness, he offered to write a Docudrama that would take the format of a reconstruction of Dan Nolan going missing.

What are the key themes in missing Dan Nolan?

Terms in this set (4)

  • Missing children. A child goes missing every 2 minutes in the UK.
  • Media. “We assumed that Dan’s face would be absolutely everywhere, appeals on national TV and everyone would be aware, that all the wheels would just click into place…
  • Grief.
  • Parental and friends’ responsibilities.

Who are the characters in missing Dan Nolan?

Terms in this set (13)

  • Pauline Nolan. Mother of Dan who carries most of the story.
  • Greg Nolan. Dan’s father.
  • Clare Nolan. Dan’s younger sister who is around the age of 13.
  • Dan Nolan. Fourteen-year old boy who went missing after going fishing on the night of the 1st January 2002.
  • Joe.
  • Thom.
  • Sarah.
  • DS Stewart.

How many siblings did Dan Nolan have?

three brothers
“The hardest task of my life was telling this news to Dan’s sister Clare and Dan’s three brothers, Liam, Patrick and Conor.

When did Dan Nolan find out he was dead?

It began on New Year’s Day 2002 when Dan, 14, failed to return home after a night-time fishing expedition with pals on the waterfront. Just hours after the tragic news that the DNA tests on samples taken from the remains had confirmed that Daniel was dead, Mrs Nolan read a statement to the Daily Echo.

Where did Dan Nolan go on his fishing trip?

During the late evening of New Years day, Dan and a few of his friends had arranged to go fishing at Hamble River close by for a few hours. Unknown to his parents at the time but Dan and his friends decided to take a bottle of vodka with them during the trip.

When did Dan Nolan’s mother go down to the river?

As the night went on Dan’s mother became very anxious and went down to the river at 2:45 am, 45 minutes after his original curfew, 3 hours after he was last seen. Upon arrival Mrs Nolan found fishing tackle but no Dan which increasing made her worry as Dan was never late ‘ always home on time’ .

How did Dan Nolan die in the Hamble River?

However no evidence came back and intense searches in the Hamble River. While police were convinced that he must of fallen in and drowned , Dan was a very strong swimmer having been into this and sea-scouting.