How do I connect my Roku to a new router?

How do I connect my Roku to a new router?

How to update your network settings

  1. Press Home on your remote.
  2. Scroll to select Settings.
  3. Select Network.
  4. Select Set up connection.
  5. Choose Wired or Wireless.
  6. If you select Wired, your Roku device will automatically connect to your network and the internet.
  7. Select your network from the list of available networks.

Why won’t my Roku TV connect to the internet?

How do I reset my Roku network settings? To reset your Roku network settings, go to Settings > System > Advanced System Settings > Network Connection Reset. Select Factory Reset to restore all settings to the default.

Why isn’t my Roku TV showing up as a device?

Restart your Roku TV and the Roku app. Often times a simple restart can help fix the problem. Restart your Roku TV and then quit or close and reopen the Roku app on your mobile phone.

What to do if your smart TV wont connect to WiFi?

What to Do if Your Smart TV Won’t Connect

  1. Unplug all components of your smart TV and router for five minutes to reset the system. Re-plug and try again.
  2. Restore the smart TV to its “default” setting. Scan for your Wi-Fi network and re-enter the password.

Why is my smart TV not connecting to Internet?

Smart TV connection issues can bring your whole day to a standstill. The suggested process is to begin by checking the TV’s network status menu to see if the home network is the problem. Following that, the video recommends resetting the wireless router, relocating it, or altering DNS settings.

How do I manually connect Roku?

If you’ve used the Roku app before and you want to connect to your Roku device manually, tap Settings in the bottom right corner of the screen. Tap Switch Roku Device in Settings. Then tap Connect Manually on the Roku Devices screen.

What to do if your Roku is not working?

Restart Both Your Roku Device and Roku Remote

  1. Remove the Batteries. Open the battery compartment on your Roku remote and remove the batteries.
  2. Restart your Roku Device. Disconnect the power lead from your Roku device and wait five seconds before reconnecting it.
  3. Reinsert the Batteries Into Your Roku Remote.

How do I connect my Roku to Wi-Fi if I lost my remote?

To connect Roku to Wi-Fi without a remote, you’ll need to set up a mobile hotspot on one device, download the Roku app to use as a remote on another device, then use the Roku app to connect your Roku to the same mobile hotspot network.