How do I create a new Miniclip ID?

How do I create a new Miniclip ID?

How do I create a new 8 Ball Pool account?

  1. Clear the cache for the 8 Ball Pool app in your device’s settings.
  2. Uninstall the 8 Ball Pool app from your device.
  3. ⚠️ the account was linked with Facebook or Google, eliminate account links (read here Remove deleted account links from Google or Facebook.

Why can’t I create a Miniclip ID?

Due to changes in the account management process, it is no longer possible to create an account using the Miniclip ID option.

How do I get my 8 ball pool ID?

If you tap on your nickname, make sure to select Profile on the top right part of the screen. 2. Once you click on it, your Profile Page will pop-up, showing your currency, achievements, total amount of winnings and other details, including your Unique ID. That is it!

How do I change my Miniclip name?

Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to change your profile picture or username. However, your account will adopt the name and picture of the platform that is linked to.

How can I get my Facebook ID on 8 ball pool?

  1. Go to and type that unique ID in search box. Signup with Facebook.
  2. OR. Type this url in address bar:
  3. There will be a unique facebook picture ID in the link as highlighted in picture below. Copy this picture ID.
  4. You have done it.

How can I get my unique 8 Ball Pool ID?

Go to and type that unique ID in search box. Step 3: Open the 8 ball profile of player. Now right click on picture and open the profile picture in new tab.

How do I edit my Miniclip profile?

– Miniclip ID: Go to on a computer and log in with your Miniclip account. There you can change your and picture between your Facebook Account and your Miniclip Account. regarding your name it will not be possible to change it.