How is an astronaut related to science?

How is an astronaut related to science?

NASA’s astronauts currently work as scientists on the International Space Station—a laboratory that orbits Earth approximately 240 miles above the planet’s surface. Astronauts on the station conduct scientific experiments such as innovative cancer research and research on the human body and living in space.

Can you be a scientist and an astronaut?

The minimum qualifications necessary to become an astronaut are listed on NASA’s website. In order to become a NASA astronaut, someone needs to be a U.S. citizen and must earn a master’s degree in biological science, physical science, computer science, engineering or math.

Why do astronauts use science?

Astronauts spend their days working on science experiments that require their input, monitoring projects that are controlled from the ground and taking part in medical experiments to figure out how well their bodies adjust to living in space for long periods of time.

What do scientists use in space?

In the space field, chemists analyze data gathered by different means such as space probes, which orbit other planets or asteroids. They also use space telescopes to identify the composition of celestial bodies.

What is astronaut salary?

According the US government’s 2020 pay scales and a NASA job listing, a civilian astronaut in 2020 can earn between $66,167 and $161,141 per year.

Who is the youngest astronaut?

Alyssa Carson
Born March 10, 2001 Hammond, Louisiana, U.S.
Nationality American
Education Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University Florida Institute of Technology
Occupation Student

What astronauts eat in space?

An astronaut can choose from many types of foods such as fruits, nuts, peanut butter, chicken, beef, seafood, candy, brownies, etc. Available drinks include coffee, tea, orange juice, fruit punches and lemonade. As on Earth, space food comes in disposable packages.

Do astronauts get hazard pay?

E.g. US military pilots / astronauts don’t receive Danger Pay unless they work at posts where they’re in imminent danger or under threat of physical harm due to civil insurrection, terrorism, or war conditions.