How long is a flight from Bali to Australia?

How long is a flight from Bali to Australia?

Average direct flight time is 4 hours 13 minutes. The fastest direct flight from Bali to Australia is 4 hours 13 minutes.

How long is the trip from Australia to Bali?

Need to know The average flight time for direct flights from Sydney to Bali is 6 hours and 15 minutes. The average distance by plane from Sydney to Bali is 4600 kilometres.

How far is Bali from me by plane?

An average nonstop flight from the United States to Bali takes 30h 11m, covering a distance of 9563 miles.

How long is the flight from Indonesia to Australia?

Flights from Jakarta to Sydney • Airlines & Flight Duration

Airline & Journey Duration
Garuda Indonesia CGK ➝ SYD 6 hrs 55 mins
Qantas CGK ➝ SYD 7 hrs 10 mins

Is Bali 2 hours behind Australia?

Bali local time and time zones Bali time is one hour ahead of Jakarta. Bali shares the same time zone with Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Perth (AUS). Sydney is two hours ahead.

How do you get to Bali from Australia?

It takes approximately 6h 27m to get from Australia to Bali, including transfers. How long is the flight from Australia to Bali? The quickest flight from Perth Airport to Ngurah Rai Airport is the direct flight which takes 3h 45m.

What is the cheapest month to fly to Bali?

February is the cheapest month to fly to Bali, has cheaper accommodation and is quieter as a result of the rainy season.

What country is the closest to Australia?

New Zealand
Australia lies between the Pacific and Indian oceans. It is the largest island – and one of the largest countries – in the world. Its closest neighbours are New Zealand to the east and Papua New Guinea to the north.

Is Bali full of Bogans?

To Australians, Bali is known as Bogan territory. If you’ve been to Bali, you would have seen them, Bingtang singlets, cornrow hairstyles, alcoholic beverages and boisterous voices in tow.