How many straws do you need for an egg drop?

How many straws do you need for an egg drop?

You can build a container using a range of materials, including drinking straws, which can be arranged to provide cushion and protection to the egg. Cut six drinking straws into quarters. Place five of the quartered straws against each other to make a raft, or bed of straws. Secure the straws with masking tape.

How do you make an egg protector?

Plastic bags are less of a shell, but they provide a structure to hold padding material around the egg. Add padding such as foam, bubble wrap or packing peanuts between the egg and the side of a small plastic bag. Place the small bag into a medium-sized bag and add more padding around the small bag.

How are straws used in an egg drop project?

The key idea of a successful straw structure for egg drop project, from physics point of view, is to find a design that the straw will divert or absorb most of the forces, thus little force goes to the egg.

Can a popsicle stick be used as an egg drop?

Taped or glued joints could start to come apart, materials like straws or popsicle sticks might start to bend or snap, and cushioning materials like cotton balls might become compacted, decreasing their effectiveness over time. Many successful traditional egg drop devices might intentionally rely on this behavior.

How to make a successful egg drop project?

To be successful, you do need pay attention to the shape of the funnel, the egg location in relation to the funnel tip, and position of the paper straws. All these design details are in the article we published earlier: Successful egg drop project design with straw and paper.

How to test your egg drop protection device?

Now that your Egg Drop Protection Device is finished, test it out first without an egg and drop it from a high place. If your device survives, try it now with an egg and see if it cracks. I guarantee that it won’t crack. If it does, then it may need modifications.