Is Brokedown Palace movie a true story?

Is Brokedown Palace movie a true story?

Film. The movie Brokedown Palace is claimed to be loosely based on the exploits of Patricia Cahill and Karen Smith.

What is Brokedown Palace movie about?

Telling their parents they’re going to Hawaii, recent high school grads Alice (Claire Danes) and Darlene (Kate Beckinsale) instead travel to Thailand, thinking their money will go farther. There they meet Nick, a charming Aussie who sells them on the idea of traveling to Hong Kong with him. But things go awry at the airport when the girls are caught smuggling illegal substances in their luggage. Having been duped by Nick, the girls are sentenced to 33 years in a Thai prison.
Brokedown Palace/Film synopsis

Where is Patricia Cahill now?

Cahill also appeared on RTÉ TV’s series A Handful of Songs, broadcast across the-then ITV network, during the early 1970s. She now lives in Marbella, Spain.

Is Brokedown Palace on Netflix?

Sorry, Brokedown Palace is not available on American Netflix.

What happened to Daniel Léger?

The film concludes with Léger’s release from a Thailand prison, where he kicked his addiction. He then educates himself in the Thai judicial system and, after serving eight years, manages to get a prison transfer.

What happened to girls in Brokedown Palace?

Little do the girls realize that Nick is setting them up. Before they can get off the tarmac, Alice and Darlene get busted for trafficking heroin and are sent to a dingy women’s prison referred to as Brokedown Palace (filmmakers lifted the term from a Grateful Dead song). The guards are abusive.

Is Brokedown Palace on Hulu or Netflix?

Brokedown Palace is now streaming on Hulu. Kate Beckinsale and Claire Danes behind the scenes.

How does the movie Brokedown Palace end?

In the end, Alice makes an impassioned plea accepting sole responsibility for the crime they didn’t commit, simply to earn her friend’s freedom, saying, “I am of weak character and want to make up for my mistakes.” Indeed, Alice’s checkered past comes back to haunt them both throughout the story, sending the message …

What happened to the girls in Brokedown Palace?

The two girls are interrogated by the Thai police and Darlene signs a confession written in Thai, believing it to be a transcript of her statement. At their trial, they beg for mercy and are sentenced to 33 years in prison, the judge choosing to show leniency and not issue the standard life sentence.

Is the movie Bangkok Hilton a true story?

Among the 600 foreigners jailed in the ‘Bangkok Hilton’, one man resolves to do what no other has done: Escape. This is the true story of drug smuggler David McMillan’s perilous break-out from Thailand’s most notorious prison.

How true is the movie Most Wanted?

The new movie, “Most Wanted,” is inspired by a true story and has Josh Hartnett playing an investigative reporter trying to uncover the truth about police corruption that could help him save a young man’s life. HOLLYWOOD — The new movie, “Most Wanted,” is inspired by a true story.

How long was Daniel Leger in jail?

What was the name of the movie about a smuggler?

Contraband explores the cutthroat world of smuggling as Mark Wahlberg plays a legendary ex- smuggler forced back into running contraband following his brother-in-law’s botched drug deal. Here are some of the most memorable smuggling films.

Who are the women in the movie smuggling?

Maria Alvarez (Catalina Sandino Moreno) is a young woman living in poverty-stricken Columbia. Desperately needing to make money for her family, she takes a job from a drug lord who hires young women to serve as mules to smuggle heroin into the United States.

Is the movie smuggling based on a true story?

Rhys Ifans plays the role based on the true story of Howard Marks, an elite British drug smuggler. The Oxford graduate and teacher abandoned the education system to become one of the world’s most powerful and influential drug dealers in the 1960s and 1970s. He eventually got caught and was sentenced to 25 years behind bars for drug smuggling.

Which is the best smuggling movie of all time?

An arms dealer confronts the morality of his work as he is being chased by an INTERPOL Agent. 2. American Made (2017) Error: please try again. The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair. 3. Blood Diamond (2006)