Is life cycle one word or two words?

Is life cycle one word or two words?

An earlier discussion of the variations in connection with technology notes that “A compound generally starts open (life cycle), migrates to hyphenated (life-cycle), and ends up closed (lifecycle).” Are we at the closed stage for the term in a general sense?

What is life cycle in one word?

1 : the series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of a specified primary stage. 2 : life history sense 2. 3 : a series of stages through which something (such as an individual, culture, or manufactured product) passes during its lifetime.

What is spelling of life cycle?

noun. /ˈlaɪf saɪkl/ /ˈlaɪf saɪkl/ ​(biology) the series of forms into which a living thing changes as it develops.

What is meant by a lifecycle?

A life cycle is a course of events that brings a new product into existence and follows its growth into a mature product and eventual critical mass and decline. The most common steps in the life cycle of a product include product development, market introduction, growth, maturity, and decline/stability.

Which life cycle is the simplest Why?

haploid life cycle
The haploid life cycle is the simplest life cycle. It is found in many single-celled eukaryotic organisms. Organisms with a haploid life cycle spend the majority of their lives as haploid gametes. When the haploid gametes fuse, they form a diploid zygote.

What is a life cycle of butterfly?

The butterfly and moth develop through a process called metamorphosis. This is a Greek word that means transformation or change in shape. There are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies and moths: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. …

Which is the simplest life cycle?

The haploid life cycle is the simplest life cycle. It is found in many single-celled eukaryotic organisms. Organisms with a haploid life cycle spend the majority of their lives as haploid gametes. When the haploid gametes fuse, they form a diploid zygote.

Is lifelong one word or two words?

Lifetime is an adjective and a noun that means the duration of a person’s life. It is a compound of the two-word phrase lifetime, and today, the single word version predominates. To summarize, Lifetime is one word.

What are the stages of individual life cycle?

The major stages of the human life cycle include pregnancy, infancy, the toddler years, childhood, puberty, older adolescence, adulthood, middle age, and the senior years. Proper nutrition and exercise ensure health and wellness at each stage of the human life cycle.

What is the life cycle of a person?

Human Life Cycle mainly consists of 6 stages. They are simply; foetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult and old person. Let’s talk about each of these stages in detail.

Is life cycle hyphenated?

Wikipedia uses different forms in way that seems random. So, too, does the New York Times, based on basic search. An earlier discussion of the variations in connection with technology notes that “A compound generally starts open (life cycle), migrates to hyphenated (life-cycle), and ends up closed (lifecycle).”