Is Preston and Brianna still together?

Is Preston and Brianna still together?

Preston became engaged to Brianna Barnhart in October 2017. They were later married in late May 2018. The two have remained an incredibly close couple.

What is the relationship between Preston and Brianna?

Preston likes to play games like fortnite, roblox, minecraft and many games. She married Preston Arsement on May 12, 2018 at Dallas Union Station. They got engaged on October 25th 2017.

Who is Preston Arsement dating?

He also has five siblings, his sibling’s names are Keeley Arsement, Caleb Arsement, Joshua Arsement, Daka Arsement, and David Arsement. PrestonPlayz’s marital status is married. In the year 2018, he got married to Brianna Paige Arsement, and they both live happily together in Texas.

When did Preston meet Brianna?

While at work one day, a co-worker set her up on a blind date. It was with her colleague’s nephew, Preston Arsement. By the end of the night, Brianna says she knew he was the one. From there, she transitioned from a nursing career to gaming.

Who is Brianna Playz?

Brianna Paige Arsement is an American YouTuber and the wife of YouTube’s gaming phenomenon, Preston Arsement. Preston is known for his Minecraft channels ‘TBNRfrags’ and ‘PrestonPlayz. ‘ Brianna is a registered nurse, who formerly worked at ‘UT Southwestern Clements Hospital’ in Dallas, Texas.

Is PrestonPlayz inappropriate?

Is PrestonPlayz OK for your kids to watch? In short, yes. Preston is totally harmless and doesn’t produce inappropriate content. His content may be annoying to the average parent but rest assured that Arsement will not be cursing in front of or scaring your kids.

How old is Brianna Playz?

YouTube Gaming creators BriannaPlayz and PrestonPlayz are only 26 and 27-years-old, respectively, and yet their combined total of 11 channels are flourishing on YouTube.

How old is Josh Playz?

Age 15
Josh Arsement (born: November 17, 2005 [Age 15]), better known online as TBNRJosh (also known as JoshPlayzMC), is a American YouTuber best known for his Minecraft content.

Are Preston and Brianna still married 2021?

He currently lives in Dallas, Texas, and is married to fellow YouTuber Brianna.

What is Brianna’s Roblox username?

Brianna Arsement (zBriannaGamez, formerly TBNRwife, known on YouTube as BriannaPlayz, is a YouTuber with over 1M subscribers who plays a variety of games, one of them being Roblox.

How old is Preston?

27 years (May 4, 1994)
Preston Blaine Arsement/Age

What is Brianna’s birthday?

January 2, 1994 (age 27 years)
Brianna Arsement/Date of birth