What are local and remote applets?

What are local and remote applets?

Local Applet vs Remote Applet: Local Applet is stored on our computer. 1. Remote Applet is not stored on our computer.

What is the difference between import applet applet and Javat applet?

An applet is a Java program that can be embedded into a web page. It runs inside the web browser and works at client side….Difference between a Java Application and a Java Applet.

Java Application Java Applet
Application program requires a main function for its execution. Applet does not require a main function for its execution.

What are applets in Java used for?

Java applets are used to provide interactive features to web applications and can be executed by browsers for many platforms. They are small, portable Java programs embedded in HTML pages and can run automatically when the pages are viewed.

What are the examples of applets?

Examples of Web-based Applets include:

  • QuickTime movies.
  • Flash movies.
  • Windows Media Player applets, used to display embedded video files in Internet Explorer (and other browsers that supported the plugin)
  • 3D modeling display applets, used to rotate and zoom a model.

What are two types of applets?

There are two types of applets that a web page can contain.

  • Local Applet.
  • Remote Applet.

What is AWT controls Java?

Java AWT controls are the controls that are used to design graphical user interfaces or web applications. To make an effective GUI, Java provides java.

What is applet and its types?

A special type of Java program that runs in a Web browser is referred to as Applet. It has less response time because it works on the client-side. It is much secured executed by the browser under any of the platforms such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS etc. There are two types of applets that a web page can contain.

Where are applets used?

Applets provide sound, graphics and animation in various forms and formats for web pages. They are used in games, gaming consoles, commercial websites, learning tools and many more. Applets are completely dependent on the host application for functioning and cannot function as an independent unit.

Which is a special type of applet in Java?

A special type of Java program that runs in a Web browser is referred to as Applet. It has less response time because it works on the client-side. It is much secured executed by the browser under any of the platforms such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS etc.

Are there any other types of Java programs?

There is another type of Java program, which is the applet. These are small applications that are accessed on an internet server, transported over the internet, automatically installed and run as part of a web document. In this chapter you will learn about how applet programming is done and what are is special characteristics.

What are the life cycle methods for applet in Java?

Applet is initialized. Applet is started. Applet is painted. Applet is stopped. Applet is destroyed. The java.applet.Applet class 4 life cycle methods and java.awt.Component class provides 1 life cycle methods for an applet.

What can an applet be used for on a computer?

Applets are small Java programs that are primarily used in internet computing they can be transported over the internet form one computer to another and run using the applet viewer (or) any web browser that supports Java.