What are the major physical features of the Arctic region?

What are the major physical features of the Arctic region?

The Arctic includes the peaks of the Brooks mountain range in western North America, the enormous Greenland ice sheet, the isolated islands of the Svalbard archipelago, the fjords of northern Scandinavia, and the grassland plateaus and rich river valleys of northern Siberia.

What are the unique characteristics of the Arctic?

The Arctic is the most unusual region on our planet and it is not surprising that it is called enigmatic and mysterious, because this region is hiding many miracles. The Arctic has a unique nature – the giant expanses of ice and snow, huge icebergs of the most incredible and bizarre forms, drifting in the arctic seas.

What are the physical features of the Arctic region in Canada?

The icecaps or glaciers, fjords, barren tundra, pingos (huge mounds of solid ice ) treeline, northern lights (aurora borealis) and the polar ice pack (permanently frozen sea ice) are just a few of the unique features found in this landscape.

What are the physical characteristics of a cold environment?

They are characterised by barren landscapes, glaciers and huge ice sheets. The average monthly temperature is always below 0°C which allows snow and ice to accumulate despite low precipitation levels. Polar areas are covered in ice with some ice-free areas called Nunataks.

Why is the Arctic so important?

The Arctic is crucial for lots of reasons. Not just because it’s home to the iconic polar bear, and four million people, but also because it helps keep our world’s climate in balance. The Arctic also helps circulate the world’s ocean currents, moving cold and warm water around the globe.

What animal is only found in the Arctic?

These include the polar bear (as much a marine as a terrestrial animal), caribou, arctic wolf, arctic fox, arctic weasel, arctic hare, brown and collared lemmings, ptarmigan, gyrfalcon, and snowy owl.

What are 5 facts about the Arctic?

Arctic facts for kids

  • The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of Earth.
  • The name ‘Arctic’ comes from a Greek word meaning ‘bear’.
  • Winter temperatures can drop below −50 °C.
  • Polar bears live in the Arctic, near the North Pole.
  • In total, only about 4 million people live in the arctic.

What are the features of the Arctic?

Conditions typical of Arctic lands are extreme fluctuations between summer and winter temperatures; permanent snow and ice in the high country and grasses, sedges, and low shrubs in the lowlands; and permanently frozen ground (permafrost), the surface layer of which is subject to summer thawing.

Which two regions in Canada have the most difficult living conditions?

Of 95 regions in Canada, Nunavut was found to be the hardest place to live, with York Region, north of Toronto, deemed to be the least hard.

Why is it always cold in polar areas?

Both polar regions of the earth are cold, primarily because they receive far less solar radiation than the tropics and mid-latitudes do. At either pole the sun never rises more than 23.5 degrees above the horizon and both locations experience six months of continuous darkness.

How many types of cold environments are there?

There are four main types of cold environment: polar, alpine, glacial, and periglacial. In winter, temperatures often drop to –50°C! They include Antarctica, Greenland and some of the islands inside the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, such as Spitzbergen.

Why do we need to protect the Arctic?

“Conserving these species and their habitat protects us from a warming climate. Arctic species are also a critically important aspect of indigenous cultures essential to the food security of those living in the region. They have publicly committed to the conservation of a species that depends on it.”