What are the physical properties of oil?

What are the physical properties of oil?

The most common physical properties used to describe petroleum are density, viscosity, and boiling point ranges. The density of crude oils is usually expressed as API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity, which is inversely related to specific density.

What are physical and chemical properties of oil?

Crude oil is a mixture of comparatively volatile liquid hydrocarbons (compounds composed mainly of hydrogen and carbon), though it also contains some nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Those elements form a large variety of complex molecular structures, some of which cannot be readily identified.

What are the main properties of oil?

Properties of Oil. The properties of oil discussed here are viscosity, density, specific gravity, solubility, flash point, pour point, distillation fractions, interfacial tension, and vapor pressure.

What is oil and its properties?

Oils have a high carbon and hydrogen content and are usually flammable and surface active. Most oils are unsaturated lipids that are liquid at room temperature. The general definition of oil includes classes of chemical compounds that may be otherwise unrelated in structure, properties, and uses.

Is oil and water not mixing a physical or chemical property?

Mixing oil and water is not a chemical change, because they do not react chemically. You can separate the individual components of the oil-water mixture by physical means.

What are the physical and chemical properties of oil?

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF FUEL OIL Crude petroleum in its raw or unrefined state varies con siderably in character and appearance, according to the locality from which it is obtained. Petroleum is a very complex mixture of organic compounds which are chiefly hydrocarbons, that is, compounds composed of hydrogen and carbon.

What kind of oil do you use to heat a house?

Most commonly, it refers to low viscosity grades of fuel oil used for furnaces or boilers use for home heating and in other buildings. Home heating oil is often abbreviated as HHO. Most heating oil products are chemically very similar to diesel fuel used as motor fuel; motor fuel is typically subject to higher fuel taxes.

What is the sulfur content of heating oil?

Diesel for machinery and equipment must be below 15 ppm sulfur content while heating oil needed only stay below 500 ppm sulfur. However, most heating oil in the United States is now “ultra-low sulfur heating oil” (ULSHO) and meets the same 15 ppm standard.

How much does a gallon of heating oil weigh?

Heating oil produces 138,500 British thermal units per US gallon (38.6 MJ/l) and weighs 8.2 pounds per US gallon (0.95 kg/l).