What did Athens and Sparta fight over?

What did Athens and Sparta fight over?

One of the most important wars in the Ancient World was the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE). The conflict was a long drawn out war between Athens and Sparta and their respective allies. The primary causes were that Sparta feared the growing power and influence of the Athenian Empire.

What ended the truce between Athens and Sparta?

Ultimately, the peace treaty failed in achieving its goal, with the outbreak of the Second Peloponnesian War in 431 BCE. The Thirty Years’ Peace, however, lasted only fifteen years and ended after the Spartans had declared war on the Athenians.

How did Sparta and Athens work together to win?

As you learned earlier, Sparta and Athens worked together to win the Persian Wars. The Spartans fought most of the battles on land, and the Athenians fought at sea. As a result, Athens had a great influence over much of Greece.

Who won the fight between Sparta and Athens?

Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC.

Why did Spartans hate Athens?

While the Athenian city-state enjoyed a period of democracy, Sparta was a military culture. Although Athenian citizens enjoyed certain freedoms during the time of their democracy, the idea of who made up of a citizen was very strict. Basically, the two city-states didn’t understand each other.

What caused the fall of Sparta?

Sparta entered its long-term decline after a severe military defeat to Epaminondas of Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra. As Spartan citizenship was inherited by blood, Sparta increasingly faced a helot population that vastly outnumbered its citizens. The alarming decline of Spartan citizens was commented on by Aristotle.

What caused the fall of Athens?

Three major causes of the rise and fall of Athens were its democracy, its leadership, and its arrogance. The democracy produced many great leaders, but unfortunately, also many bad leaders. Their arrogance was a result of great leadership in the Persian Wars, and it led to the end of Athenian power in Greece.

Did Athens beat Sparta?

Athens lost its dominance in the region to Sparta until both were conquered less than a century later and made part of the kingdom of Macedon.