What did the voyageurs do at Grand Portage?

What did the voyageurs do at Grand Portage?

Voyageurs, North Men and The Montrealers made up the bulk of the fur trade employees at Grand Portage. These hardy soles would spend weeks to months in the wilderness transporting trade goods to remote posts either in canoes or on their backs.

What did the voyageurs use for shelter?

When they were finished all of the work, the voyageurs told stories and sang songs until it was time to sleep. Shelter for the night was an overturned canoe, a bed of moss, and a blanket or furs for warmth. If the weather was bad, they erected a tarp as cover.

When was Portaging used?

Two or 4 voyageurs would combine to carry the North or Montréal canoes, and when heavy York boats came into widespread use in the 1820s, portages were often equipped with rollers….Portage.

Published Online February 7, 2006
Last Edited March 4, 2015

What role did black voyageurs play in the fur trade?

Roles of Black Fur Traders The slave trade helped enrich France, England and their colonies. Enslaved people were seen as one of the many commodities that wealthy people owned. Because the fur trade was another major source of wealth, it included people who participated in the enslavement of others.

What is Grand Portage known for?

Attraction Spotlight: Grand Portage National Monument Grand Portage, located along Lake Superior in northeast Minnesota, is a vital preservation of the historic fur trade, a throwback to the alliance between the North West Company and the Ojibwe of Anishinaabeg during a rugged era of North American history.

Why is the Grand Portage important in the fur trade?

Composed of the Pigeon River and other strategic interior streams, lakes, and portages, this route was of enormous importance in pre-industrial times. It provided quick water access from Canada’s settled areas and Atlantic ports to the fur-rich Rupert’s Land and the North-Western Territory.

What did a voyageur look like?

Voyageurs could be identified by their distinctive clothing. They often wore a red toque and a sash around their waist. The white cotton shirt was protection from the sun and mosquitoes. They also wore breeches with leggings and moccasins.

What did a voyageur do?

Voyageurs were independent contractors, workers or minor partners in companies involved in the fur trade. They were licensed to transport goods to trading posts and were usually forbidden to do any trading of their own. The fur trade changed over the years, as did the groups of men working in it. …

Why do people Portage?

Portage or portaging (Canada: /pɔːrˈtɑːʒ/; US: /ˈpɔːrtɪdʒ/) is the practice of carrying water craft or cargo over land, either around an obstacle in a river, or between two bodies of water. The Native Americans carried their canoes over land to avoid river obstacles.

How do Canadians say Portage?

There IS a correct way to say the word that describes the act of hauling your canoe and gear overland between two bodies of water. “Por- taage” pronounced with a soft “a” reflects the word’s French roots. This is the preferred Canadian and correct pronunciation.

Who did the voyageurs trade with?

In the 17th century, voyageurs were often coureurs des bois — unlicensed traders responsible for delivering trade goods from suppliers to Indigenous peoples. The implementation of the trading licence system in 1681 set voyageurs apart from coureurs des bois, who were then considered outlaws of sorts.

What is the difference between a voyageur and a coureur de bois?

Voyageurs were the canoe transportation workers in organized, licensed long-distance transportation of furs and trade goods in the interior of the continent. Coureurs des bois were entrepreneur woodsman engaged in all aspects of fur trading rather than being focused on just the transportation of fur trade goods.